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09-08-06, 11:09 AM   #52
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 3
Originally Posted by foxpur
Ok, as I said in my previous post (which I still haven't tested)

If GetShapeshiftFormInfo(3) then
   BActionBar.SetStanceOffset(, GetBonusBarOffset())
Th forms available are:
* 1 = Bear/Dire Bear Form
* 2 = Aquatic Form
* 3 = Cat Form
* 4 = Travel Form
* 5 = Moonkin Form

So what I'm HOPING is that if change to cat get offset bar (which is bar 2) otherwise assume NOT cat bar (bear) which is bar 3. Be damned if I can figure out gow to set up for Moonkin form tho.

It's not my Druid I'm doing this for (I personally don't use Bongos) but for my fiancé who does. So I have to wait until she is actually playing before I can test these things.
I tried that code and it gave me an error. In class right now, but I'll edit this later once I can get home and see the exact thing.
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