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11-26-13, 10:52 AM   #3
A Cobalt Mageweaver
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 219
LevelFlight allows you to fly perfectly level with a key press. It does this by taking advantage of the fact that you can set your pitch limit (how much you can angle up or down) to zero, meaning you can move in a perfectly straight line while flying or swimming.

KNOWN LIMITATION: When your pitch limit is set to zero you are unable to look up or down. You can only move your camera horizontally around your character. Turning off level flight restores full range of motion to the camera.
This addon reinforces the fact that there is an incestuous relationship between camera pitch and flying/swimming pitch. I like my camera view to be behind and above my toon and this addon just shifts adjusting my flying/swimming pitch to level vs. adjusting my camera pitch back to where I want it.

The "best solution" I have found is take off, land, take off again. This sets flying pitch to zero while leaving the camera pitch alone. Unfortunately, this doesn't work while swimming (or flying over water).

I'm trying to get more insight into why the flying pitch gets changed without changing the camera view. For example, I fly to an NPC and land in front of them (landing should set my flying pitch to zero). Now I can select the NPC with a keybind, interact with the NPC with keybinds, and when I take off, I am no longer flying level (there may be a dismount and mount around the NPC interaction).

I'm using FlightHUD to give me visual indication of level flight (or swimming).
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