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09-06-12, 06:25 PM   #1
A Cyclonian
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Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 45
Compact raid frame replacement?

OK i know there is a couple addons that do something similar to what that does, however what i am looking for is something that performs and looks like wMarker. but having the functionality of what the compact raid frame does. I personally have made some modifications to wMarker to actually do this task, so i do know it is something doable, however i dont feel my understanding of LUA is really where it needs to be to pull this type of addon off. If someone would like to collaborate with me and see what modifications i have made and would be interested in this task. i would be more than happy to show them some of the work ive put into it thus far.

ATM i have currently updated wmarker to partially work with the new MoP changes (ie. changed things like getnumpartymembers() to current values. I added in a workable button to perform rolechecks, another workable button to perform convert to raid. Added in a snippet i found searching to remove the compact raid frame entirely. Basically anything that the default bar does atm i am able to hack into the current mod im using, however i am having issues with things like updating state changes (like when your given and taken away assist in raid the mod isnt updating accordingly for hide functions) also a /reload no longer hides the compact raid frame.

Anyhow i am sure with enough time i probably could make some of those issues work, but at the same time ive put so much into modifications that really this is becoming a completely new addon above and beyond what the original could perform.

any help thoughts or insite would be much appreciated.
Maggz Turalyon-US
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