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05-03-12, 05:44 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by venoabyss View Post
However I haven't found a LUA or XML editor to make the transition easier, I'm used to using Visual C++ or VB Studio Suite, is there a lua/xml tool that approximates that type of environment that I should look into?
Not really. Most of us do our coding in a simple text editor like Notepad2 or Notepad++. There have been a few "studio" projects written for WoW Lua, but pretty much every single one of them was released and then immediately abandoned (so it's not useful today), and/or never finished in the first place, and/or produced the worst, most bloated, most garbage-producing code imaginable.

Originally Posted by venoabyss View Post
Also look forward to feedback on any libraries I might need to include to make this work.
I can't think of any libraries that will really make what you're trying to do easier. There are very few libraries that have anything to do with creating GUIs; all of them are more complicated to use than the basic Blizzard UI widget API, and most (if not all) of them are geared towards configuration UIs, so they will not be of much use in creating a window like the one you want to build.

Fortunately, the Blizzard API is pretty straightforward and extensively documented, with many working examples. Your best bet is to find an addon that produces a similar GUI, and look at its code to see how it works.

Finally, asking specific questions here is your best bet once you get started. For your project, you should just build a new guild UI window, rather than trying to modify the existing one. Once you come across something you can't figure out, or get to a point where you don't know what to do, describe what you need help with, what you already tried (if anything), which resources you checked (eg. if you already read the API docs on Wowpedia, we can skip linking them to you and telling you to read them), and - most importantly - include a complete copy of your actual code.

Originally Posted by venoabyss View Post
Ps I've been trying the list of programs listed in the tutorials and helpful info but most of the links seem to be down
Which tutorials? Which programs? There are dozens, if not hundreds, of tutorials for WoW addon programming on the web...
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