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04-29-12, 09:57 AM   #1
A Rage Talon Dragon Guard
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 325
Looking for a Programmer's Help...

As the title states I'm in need a programmers help.

I have put together a UI from other peoples creations (and yes i have asked each one for there permission to use and edit said addons). i can use the AddOn as is but it becomes a pain having to open the .lua edit it, save it, then reload WoW. My main goal is to make in-game options and be abel to have everything in a single file. Right now I have accompliched this with 2 Addons BasicUI and BasicUI_Config. The main issue with this is you have to do a /reload for any changes to to effect.

So for this project i change the UI name to cUI and would like some help figuring out how to get my UI to have the following:
  1. In-Game options threw Blizzards Default AddOns Tab.
  2. Help with understanding how this is accomplished and how creating functions happens.

I know there will be alot of people that say "Well i guess you should start reading on .lua coding." or "Stop being lazy, do the foot work and create it yourself.". I do understand the best way to learn how to do it is read up on it and learn. But for me to learn is to do and right now I'm stuck on the to do part, i have been trying for about 3 weeks to bring the config over to the main AddOn but nothing seems to work and if i do get it over there and showing when i change a option nothing happens.

So below is the main AddOn in working form (the cUI one), if needed i can also upload BasicUI if it is needed.

Thank you all for your time in reading this and thank you to anyone who decides to help out.


Zip of cUI: <external link removed>

Topic also posted on curseforge forums, and MMOChampion forms.

Last edited by Haleth : 04-29-12 at 03:54 PM. Reason: Removed external link
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