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11-20-11, 02:32 PM   #3
This Space For Rent
Haleth's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 1,173
I like the new stuff like Transmogrify and the new Darkmoon Faire, but the heroics look really boring in my eyes. I've done them all on PTR, the only one that I found mildly enjoyable was Well of Eternity, but it has very little fighting and the boss fights are also underwhelming. The RP sequences made it great, but I fear that those will get really repetitive after a while.

Raid Finder was a big joke, at least on PTR, where three different times we kept wiping on the first trash, everybody was clueless and 5 people were offline or afk at all times.

At any rate it'll give me something to do again.
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