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10-23-11, 12:38 PM   #69
Fishing Trainer
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Originally Posted by kasca View Post
WOW we get our bags BACK..woot. again well be missing a bog for other stuff. The way it read is (to me) there takeing melee away from any class they dont use melee.
No, not the ammo pouches and quivers that used to take up a bag slot. Just the appearance of a pouch or quiver on your model. They want to do this for each class, too. So pally's would have a libram on their model, etc.

I'm not going to address the rest of your post, since it already has been. Take a breather, please, kasca. Many of us are sharing information we picked up from the Con (or its stream) and not just from what you may be able to read. Though most of what has been said has been put into text form on various sites already.

Originally Posted by haylie View Post
I was making a sig for a worgen character and the person requested that I include both the human and worgen form. When I was cutting out the background I noticed that the difference in quality between the worgen model and the human model was HUGE. It's as if the models were from two different games. I think instead of adding new hairstyles or new dances they should focus on updating the old models.


This is one of the things I've been wanting since the beginning. I really, really hope they'll also display bows/guns/xbows on the back like they do with melee weapons.

Now let hunters mount their pets and I'm back for good.
Yeah, they're still planning on updating the models. They say that it's especially apparent how different they are when you look at the old models compared to the new Pandaren ones. They did mention displaying bows/guns on your back, since those will be your primary weapon now. I believe this was during one of the Q&A panels that this came up at. As for riding your pet, why would you want to do that? Your pet is your companion, your best friend, your hunting partner. Why would you want to tire it out by carrying your lazy butt and all your gear around?
"You'd be surprised how many people violate this simple principle every day of their lives and try to fit square pegs into round holes, ignoring the clear reality that Things Are As They Are." -Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

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