Thread: Mid-life Crisis
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10-06-11, 02:29 PM   #35
A Scalebane Royal Guard
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Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 417
Originally Posted by Epiphany17 View Post
But see, I have nothing else to do. NOTHING. I stay at home. I have no job and no school. I have no friends. Ada;ksjlkajsdlkajsd.
Now you're just being silly.

Honestly, people, it's not that hard. You're bored with the game. Stop playing it. I guarantee you'll find TONS of stuff to do once you don't automatically log in to WoW every day. Here's some ideas, shared from experience:

The first thing I did after quitting was to catch up on my reading. Go to the library and reread old favorites, or discover new ones. Go to the bookstore and check the bestseller list. Heck, order books off Amazon and you don't even need to leave the PC.

Next, re-watch all your favorite movies. Watch all the movies you can find of a particular genre you enjoy. Watch all movies that star Johnny Depp, Jared Leto, Jude Law, Heath Ledger, Christian Bale, Bradley Cooper or whatever sexy actor currently holds your interest.

Donate your old clothes to charities or sell them at thrift shops and buy a whole new wardrobe.

Discover a passion for cooking and try out new recipes. Try going vegetarian. Burn down your kitchen (that might be just me though).

If all else fails, there are other video games beside WoW. Have you played Dragon Age? Portal 2? Starcraft 2?

Buy a Kinect and play Dance Central. Do it!

Last edited by haylie : 10-06-11 at 02:40 PM.
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