Thread: Dr.who
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06-14-11, 06:33 AM   #2
A Defias Bandit
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 2
You should put a spoiler tag on the thread title to be honest!

But yes, it all makes sense once you grasp non-linear timelines.

As normal people who can't travel through time, our timeline is linear. For people who can time travel since their birth, or there abouts, can travel not just from their current time, but their past and future selves as well. To explain it better, imagine you go back in time and see yourself. Now imagine you go back in time to see yourself, and that other self goes through time to see a past/future self. Those other selves can travel through time just like you can, making a non-linear timeline for the Doctor.

In this case, Amy and Rory have gone into the future and their daughter has either travelled in time herself or is actually that age in that time space.
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