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04-15-11, 10:40 PM   #19
A Frostmaul Preserver
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Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 284
I recently resumed pursuit of identifying & recoloring default UI textures, and am again confounded by the Minimap buttons. I'm as yet unable to figure out texture names for the below items (clockwise from top):

  1. MiniMapWorldMapButton
  2. GameTimeFrame
  3. MinimapZoomIn
  4. MinimapZoomOut
  5. TimeManagerClockButton
Most of the other textures (in red) are explicitly defined in FrameXML\Minimap.xml. The Mail button border for example:
<Texture name="MiniMapMailBorder" urgency="5" file="Interface\Minimap\MiniMap-TrackingBorder">
can then be manipulated in Lua via its given name (MiniMapMailBorder:SetVertexColor(), etc).

The tracking button was an exception, which prompted this thread, and introduced me to tracing parent/child relationships in FrameXML.

For the Zoom In/Out buttons, I see a different sort of exception: the textures appear to have no name at all, explicit or otherwise. For example, the only texture references contained in <Button name="MinimapZoomOut"></Button> are:

<NormalTexture urgency="5" file="Interface\Minimap\UI-Minimap-ZoomOutButton-Up"/>
<PushedTexture file="Interface\Minimap\UI-Minimap-ZoomOutButton-Down"/>
<DisabledTexture file="Interface\Minimap\UI-Minimap-ZoomOutButton-Disabled"/>
<HighlightTexture alphaMode="ADD" file="Interface\Minimap\UI-Minimap-ZoomButton-Highlight"/>
Obviously these textures exist, and I believe they are or can be called via Lua, I'm just not sure how. Any thoughts are much appreciated.
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