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10-26-10, 03:46 PM   #26
An Aku'mai Servant
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 36
Originally Posted by Cralor View Post
I respect any religious views, of course, and have a better understanding of those that have different interpretations of "religion" (as defined above - believing in something). But atheism, I can't wrap my head around - how can one not believe in any "higher power"? Whether it be someone or something - do you really believe that we are just here? - that planets, animals, life, gas; everything is just here?
I take atheist to mean no belief in a deity specifically, no inherent moral, decision-making power behind it all, rather than abject faithlessness. I consider myself an atheist, though I like to believe in a power we can't quantify that makes the things like miracles possible. Maybe it's magic, or the Force. No midi-chlorians though.

As for things "just here," I suppose you're trying to get at a purpose, or origin belief - I'm ok with not having a cosmic purpose. I'll be the first to admit my origin theories are shaky at best, but that's not important to me. However it all got here, it's here, and I'm more interested in the present and near future than I am the far remote past (some history is important, but I don't believe knowing the truth of all creation has a reasonable practical application).

I guess in summary, if I needed answers about creation and purpose to get to sleep at night, I might have to turn to god. But I don't. The only purpose I need is love. Live as long as I can to love as much as I can, and make myself and others happier for it. I'm probably not the "typical" atheist, but there you have it.

Originally Posted by haylie View Post
Think of religion and state as complementary. If the state provides everything the individual AND the community need to function properly, then religion is largely not needed. Religion is only used to fill the "gap" left when the state doesn't satisfy all your needs.
I had never thought of it this way. I recognized that the simplest answer was "it depends," but this reason is eye-opening to me.
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