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07-28-10, 12:45 PM   #177
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Originally Posted by voodoodad View Post
I might be wrong (it does happen occasionally) but wasn't "for the time being" a part of the original statement? Not that I really want to see this discussion continue. If and when Blizz to institute the real-name policy, I'll decide what to do at that time. Until then, there's way to much real-life stuff to worry about than that.
No. The original statement had two claims:

1. "We've decided at this time that the forums will not require real names."
2. "The forums will not require real names."

While there was an "at-this-time" qualifier, it qualified the decision, not the requirement for real names.

The new statement was "We've decided not to go in that direction for the time being." The time qualifier is explicitly on the decision to require real names. Furthermore, "for the time being" is explicitly temporary. The qualifier "at this time" makes no statement about future times; the qualifier "for the time being" strongly implies that there is already intent that this will change later.

They've made it clear that they are not interested in or concerned with the actual substance of the complaints. I don't really feel like investing more time and money in them. I hope to see some of you guys around sometime in other games.

Basically, the issue here is that I like to feel like I trust the people I'm doing business with, and that they are at least listening to me. I've been active at wowi rather than curse because the wowi community and maintainers seemed to be more actually interested in addon development and the addon developer community. I have actively avoided wowmatrix because they seemed to be totally unconcerned with the addon developer community. Blizzard has just gone from being more like wowi to being more like wowmatrix.
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