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07-24-10, 03:45 PM   #13
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 15
Lol...ya progressive bifocals here. And I know the small scale is a good part of the issue, was just wondering if the icons could be scaled separately. Will try saving the current file then editing the files/settings you posted and see what happens. If I mess up too badly I can go back to the original files and pretend nothing happened. Haven't really wanted to go mucking about in there without knowing which settings to be changing since everything else about the UI works perfect for me and don't want to risk breaking anything ;p. Think that the elements missing in the screenie are because I was in a hurry when I turned nui's HUD back on and missed reenabling some of them but the druid didn't have any HoT/DoTs on him at the time, he was barely able to apply debuffs to my pally for test purposes, gotta love being an avoidance tank ;p.

Thanks for the feedback and appreciate all the work you put into nui/nui+.