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06-05-10, 02:29 PM   #5
A Molten Giant
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really? i did not but that does not surprise me. i found the problem in a lot of addons when trying to figure out why it was happening with my own code... eventually i wrote this workaround which should work with any addon. should mind you.

I did think one thing that could be added is to check weather or not the full size quest view is open or not and decide about closing in combat based on that. the only reason the force close on combat enter was to compensate for people who might have that full view version open when they go into combat. If you dont force close and toggle to the small view when its reopened after combat its all kinds of funny. That though is the only change i think i would make to this... i imagine what is in mapster might be a bit better. If you really wanted to dig into the bliz code there might be an even better way that allows you to still have the quest objectives and such open since in making this i noticed it wasnt the frame itself being open but rather the quest objectives locations on the worldmap frame itself being updated is what causes the taint. Im not quite that advanced yet but maybe some secure code for opening the worldmap would be better in fact it was referenced to me at one point... one thing i know about the secure code is :Show and :Hide fire hmmmm.... interesting so it just dawned on me that using a secure toggle for show hide fires an x/y calculation error but if you toggle the map out of combat via some normal nonsecure method IE ShowUIPanel or Toggle or how you want to do it that it will then work useing the secure button SOOO maybe an easier and better way would be to create the secure toggle function then on player entering world have it do the show hide on the map real quick as the code does currently and then you would technically be able to use the secure toggle method with no problems.

i will test this and see if it works but anyhow for now this is here for anyone whos interested

edit - oh it dawned on me to why i cant use or at lest i have not figured out how to use the secure method... it requires a secure frame be overlayed on the minimap and when i do this i lose the tooltips for minimap POI's... im sure there is a work around for that to but... It would work if you were just making a button and not overlaying rightclick on the minimap as i have done...
"Are we there yet?"


Last edited by Grimsin : 06-05-10 at 02:36 PM.
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