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05-27-10, 10:57 AM   #8
Fishing Trainer
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WoWInterface Super Mod
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 10,860
1. I *highly* doubt that Phanx "stripped" the feature out of Altoholic and made it into Exonumist. Fairly sure she wrote it on her own, of her own accord. (Has she ever even used Altoholic?)

2. I have never professed to knowing *every* feature of *every* addon.

3. How does your example refute what the PotW is all about? I'll quote again:
This will give authors a chance to have their mod showcased and users a chance to discover mods that they may not have been aware of previously.
4. Every week's PotW goes like this: I tap into my obsessive-compulsive nature and sort through EVERY upload for the week. (This takes forever after big patches.) Anything that looks interesting, I open in a new tab. Then I go through all of them and read comments, sometimes I look at the code, sometimes I install them to play with, sometimes I'll ask opinions, ... generally I try to decide what looks interesting and USEFUL to a majority of players. (You'll notice that I haven't picked too many class-specific addons.) Sometimes I end up being able to narrow it down to one pick, sometimes I can't and have to write up something about a few of them.

Exonumist, for lack of a better word, "won" that week. Not to say that any other addons were not interesting or useful, or worthy. But I had to pick *something*, and Exonumist got picked.

CurrencyReminder "won" this past week. I did see TinyDPS. I saw it the day it was uploaded. And it got opened into a separate tab as I paged through all of the uploads for consideration. But, I figured that I would not pick it because the idea wasn't exactly anything "novel". I'm not "dissing" TinyDPS - I actually plan on installing it and testing it out (since I'm not too happy with Recount atm) whenever I actually get online to play again. (I spend *most* of my free time combing over this site and other forums, and typing up the PotW instead of actually playing, you know. )

TLDR; I'm the one making the picks, and these are picks that, in MY opinion, fit what the PotW is about. If you wish to make different picks, then you can start your own PotW.

Let these threads be about the mod that was picked, let it have its 15 minutes of fame. Please don't disrespect them by derailing the threads and making it about other addons.
"You'd be surprised how many people violate this simple principle every day of their lives and try to fit square pegs into round holes, ignoring the clear reality that Things Are As They Are." -Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

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