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02-07-10, 11:57 PM   #1
Fishing Trainer
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WoWInterface Super Mod
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 10,860
Pick for 2/7: Broken LFD (new), Roll Window Fix (new), & Jumper (new)

Hey folks. I apologize for the inconsistency of the Pick of the Week being "weekly" lately. Holidays and "real life" had caught up with me lately, on top of myself actually *playing* WoW again for a change. But we should be right back on schedule again.

I've got three picks for you this week, all of which are new addons. One is to fit a need people have been requesting, one is to fix what some see as a recent annoyance, and the other is just some plain old, silly fun.

Broken LFD:

Many of you have been looking for a plugin for your LibDataBroker (LDB) displays to get the LFD icon and status off of your minimap. Well, here it is. Not only does it provide all of the information that the default LFD icon/tooltip gives you, but it also lets you know how long you have been waiting in the queue so far. I know I am always thinking, "this says that my estimated wait time should be 11 mins, but it feels like I've been waiting for 20! How long have I been in this queue???" Note that you will need an LDB display to view this plugin. You can find various displays in our Data Broker download category. I am currently using Docking Station, myself, though there are many good alternatives to choose from.

Replace your LFD icon by downloading the addon here.

Roll Window Fix:

So, you know that slider in the video options that allows you to change the scale of your UI? Well, previously it didn't actually scale every frame in the UI. The group loot roll frame was one of these. With the recent patch, 3.3.2, Blizzard changed/fixed this, and the group loot frame is now affected by your UI scale. This means that a low UI scale means a small group loot frame. Some people were complaining that this small size made it difficult to read or click on, and even difficult to notice when it popped up. So, this addon was created to prevent the group loot frame from being resized.

If you do not wish your group loot frame to resize according to UI scale, then download this addon.


Is your thumb glued to your space bar? Is your favorite Winnie-the-Pooh character Tigger? Like to see how many times you can make your Night Elf do a flip? Does your gnome wish they could see the world from the height of everyone else? Or do you just love to see statistics... like HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I JUMPED?

Get your count on, and visit this addon's download page.

For previous Picks of the Week, see here.

Are you the author of a mod that you think belongs in this spotlight? Just upload/update it to WoWInterface, and it will automatically be considered for that week's Pick.
"You'd be surprised how many people violate this simple principle every day of their lives and try to fit square pegs into round holes, ignoring the clear reality that Things Are As They Are." -Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

Last edited by Seerah : 02-08-10 at 12:25 PM.
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