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01-22-10, 04:20 AM   #2
nUI Maintainer
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Are you talking about the debuff icons on the left of the hud arcs ? If so, you should be able to change these using the Layout folder files for the hud(s) you use.

Folder : nUI\Layouts\Default\HUDLayouts
Choose the Folder for the layout you want to change, say for example PlayerTarget.
File : nUI_HUDSkin_PlayerTarget_Player.lua ( in this example )

Segment that would need to be tackled :
		["Aura"] =
			[1] =	-- debuffs
				anchor =
					anchor_pt   = "TOPRIGHT",
					relative_to = "$parent_Health",
					relative_pt = "TOPLEFT",
					xOfs        = 40,
					yOfs        = -100,
				options =
					enabled = true,
					size    = 45,
					strata  = nil,
					level   = 1,
					aura_type        = "harm",
					origin           = "TOPRIGHT",
					player_auras     = false,
					dispellable      = false,
					horizontal       = false,
					highlight_player = false,
					aura_types       = true,
					cooldown_anim    = false,
					flash_expire     = true,
					clickable        = true,
					rows             = 3,
					cols             = 4,
					expire_time      = 10,
					hGap             = 5,
					vGap             = 20,
					timer =
						enabled     = true,
						fontsize    = 10,
						justifyH    = "CENTER",
						justifyV    = "TOP",
						anchor_pt   = "TOP",
						relative_pt = "BOTTOM",
						xOfs        = 0,
						yOfs        = 1,

					count =
						enabled     = true,
						justifyH    = "CENTER",
						justifyV    = "MIDDLE",
						anchor_pt   = "CENTER",
						relative_pt = "CENTER",
						xOfs        = 0,
						yOfs        = 0.5,
The highlighted lines will more than likely be the numbers you will have to change but try just size first and reload the game or ui to test it out. It may take some tweaking until you're happy with it. hGap and vGap you may need to alter to if the resizing doesn't keep the gap it had. rows and cols if you want or need to rearrange how the buffs are shown.

I don't think the targets debuffs can be altered like that in version 5 but a similar file nUI_HUDSkin_PlayerTarget_Target.lua will hold a similar section for the targets buffs shown in the hud on the right hand side. Finally, nUI_HUDSkin_PlayerTarget_ToT.lua will contain similar ( I assume ) for target of target icons which will appear in the lower right of the hud.

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