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12-25-09, 02:12 AM   #1
A Fallenroot Satyr
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 21
Problem with setting up my interface

Hello, been stuck for weeks now and can't get myself to move anywhere really. Currently using Pitbull4 +Bartender4 (as well as a ton of other addons, but these are the ones which visually matter the most).

Some things I need to make sure to have:
Keep it Lightweight, since I ain't got no monster computer.
Make it informative.
Keep it clean and free from clutter.
Avoid eye strain lol ;p

Currently my interface looks something like this:

Resolution is a widescreen 16:10 ratio 1280x800. (Laptop monitor)

What I would like to do, but apparently failed hardcore at:
  • Lowest UI scale (bar slider completely to the left). I need to keep the interface as clear as possible for VuhDo healing addon and to see where the heck I'm going. No walls of frames at the bottom containing my bars, I don't need that at all.
  • Player's profile as well as target below the character's model. Clean and visible, not too big. Shows buffs below, debuffs above for both. Target of Target near the Target, smaller icon, shows only debuffs (above the frame). Dark color palette would be the best since I prefer dark colors, light ones hurt my eyes.
  • Health, Mana, Level, class and as much information, clearly and cleanly visible as is possible. No profile picture necessary.
  • Using kgPanels or something similar, I'd like to construct smooth dark frames for the action bars to be at (by bartender4). I really have no idea on how to do this. I want it lightweight but need it to look kind of "solid" and smooth. Not annoyingly in the way, so if it's slightly transparent would be better than just pitch black.
  • Mini Map Bottom right, possibly something pretty minimalist but very visible nonetheless; quest objective tracker top right, everything needs to be visible (aka usable items for the quests)
  • TitanPanel present, or something similar which provides helpful information regarding money, armor repair and such.

I've tried using pre-compiled interface packages which went as close as I wanted as possible but in the end turns out something or other will annoy me. The ultra-minimalist unit frames were a headache to get information out of. At worst, the unit frames must be visible, faded no more than 50%.

Any help with doing any of this? Atm my interface is a mess, I'm having trouble working with Vuhdo as it stands, too much stuff, no real idea what to do lol, but without it things would get so much harder -.-
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