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07-23-09, 06:44 AM   #4
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 89
Well, for me anyways, I'm a ranged DPS. Finding the first target (skull) typically isn't a problem. The problem is when Skull is dead, and I need to switch to X. Typically I'm mashing the tab key to cycle through which just wastes time and precious dps I *COULD* be doing if I could have quickly picked the right target.

As for replacing Skada. Again personaly, I don't look at Skada much. For the DPS end, the end of the fight is more important than during, and for the threat meter, it's been my philosophy that if I'm pulling threat from the tank, they aren't doing thier job. In reality though, 9 times out of 10, if I do pull threat, it's because the tank died, and at that point, I'm screwed because I'm usually the next on the threat list.

As for PvEFrames itself. This mod is very very new and needs alot of work. I'd like to see the ability to hide all frames, individual frames, and hide frames when there's no target for that particular mark. That said, for being a brand new mod, it does what it intends to do. Resizing the frames would be the icing on the cake, but at the same time if we had status window support in nUI for this addon, it would make alot of my wishes not needed......


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