Thread: Hacker Alert
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07-21-09, 11:27 AM   #53
An Onyxian Warder
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 363
Originally Posted by Seer View Post
That's not what I meant. I mean that people who buy a mac at the moment are more technically minded then Joe Average who goes shopping for a PC. People who buy a Mac are either already Mac users (or say old Amiga/Atari/etc users who despise(d) anything Wintel) and/or have had enough of Windows for whatever reason.
This isn't necessarily true either. They may buy an Apple because they have an iPod and like the quality and don't mind paying more. or they may buy an Apple because they have money to waste. or the like the white case.

Sure, some geeks buy Apples. here at my work, I'll be getting a 17" Macbook pro at some point and installing Windows 7 on it just to piss off the Apple fanbois.

But also, a lot of people who buy Apple computers also aren't aware of the additional costs involved. Apple/Best Buy/whomever will GLADLY sell you overpriced memory to upgrade your system. Or overpriced peripherals that have the little apple logo on them, etc. Or how about the price differences for software...

In the end, people get what they get, and computers do whatever they need as they see fit. Computers are only as secure as their users, and that's about the extent of it.


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