Thread: Hacker Alert
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07-21-09, 09:13 AM   #50
A Molten Giant
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 649
Originally Posted by havoxx View Post
Heh, just becuase someone uses a PC doesn't mean they aren't technically savvy, as far as I'm concerned, the only thing a MAC is as of today is an expensive over-glorified unix-based OS.

I've dealt with people you are talking about, and I will agree most end users are dumb as a post when it comes to PC's. That's not to say people with a mac know more.
That's not what I meant. I mean that people who buy a mac at the moment are more technically minded then Joe Average who goes shopping for a PC. People who buy a Mac are either already Mac users (or say old Amiga/Atari/etc users who despise(d) anything Wintel) and/or have had enough of Windows for whatever reason.

Joe Average who goes shopping is most likely going to buy a PC because that's what is still sold the most, he's not looking for something else, he just want a PC and be done with it, doesn't care about what OS it runs as long as he can play his fave game and use his apps, and that is most likely still a Windows Machine in his case. Joe Average doesn't know about Apple, doesn't care about Microsoft.

But, the more people use OSX the more Joe Average will get in contact with it and the higher the chance he may opt to buy a Mac. People buy what they know, or things friends have.

And I don't think many Mac lovers will agree with saying it's a Unix based OS, AFAIK, Unix is a Macro Kernel, OSX is based on the Mach Kernel and that is a Micro kernel .
Take it as you want or leave it as it is.
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