Thread: Hacker Alert
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07-21-09, 01:05 AM   #48
A Molten Giant
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 649
Originally Posted by Bluspacecow View Post
My other point is - the greatest defense against any malware / hacks or exploits of any kind is the informed user!. That Quicktime Codec exploit fizzled when exposed to the Mac Community not because it wasn't a convincing trojan horse or anything. It fizzled because the average Mac OS X user took one look at it , turned around to their mailing list buddies and asked around then ignored it. (*)
I won't deny informed people are most likely the best defence, however it doesn't work. Most users don't want to be bothered by it, don't care about it. That will become more of a problem when there are more users, the average OSX user of today is, IMHO, more technical then the average Windows user.

For my work, I deal with "end users" daily, some of these have worked with the company for years, we've been using the same software for years and still these same people still don't seem to get how to handle our software (no it's not complex), they still "forget" how to correctly close our programs, they still don't know the log in for the system they have to log on to (it hasn't changed in 12 years, they still "forget"). They don't read what is on the screen, if they report a problem its "X doesn't work" (not explaining what doesn't work), or "I get an error" (off course not saying what the error is). They don't understand the reason why error messages are given or how those make my job easier (help resolve the problem)

They don't understand that streaming impacts the network (as off course no one else does stream right..). I'm talking about a workforce of about 1000 people. When we use our intranet to inform them all goes well for week or 2, after that it goes back as if they were never told about it.

They just don't care. Hell, they want us to remove the passwords because they think it doesn't have a use and is annoying. They also want admin rights so they can install stuff, not understanding the risks.

In short, Joe Average has no interest in computers like most people don't care about cars as long as the car takes them from A to B. Only a select few are interested in the more technical and backgrounds of computers or cars.

It's like Pacifism, great in theory but as long as there's are people that use violence it won't work.
Take it as you want or leave it as it is.
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