Thread: Hacker Alert
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07-17-09, 03:05 AM   #44
A Frostmaul Preserver
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Originally Posted by Bruners View Post
Using security software is the same as stores having guards/tags to spot/get possible thieves, you want to let everyone into your store but some of them might not be there to help you in any way. Even if you really monitored all your visitors to the store and only let in those who you really trusted, there would still be a slight chance they could steal something. This is not saying you should have two guards with a loaded gun pointed at the customer and only one at a time in the store.

The same guards doesn't always pick up all the thieves, but if they do it's still for the better for your store.
You've actually made a really good point in your analogy. Unfortunately, I don't feel the need to treat my compy like it's a store. I don't let everyone and everything into my computer, because I don't need to. If I were a corporation of some kind with myriad employees and customers accessing my databases on a consistent basis, I'd be all for watchdog software. Unfortunately, I'm not, I don't have the need to allow everything in, and I don't.

When I'm the only person using my computer, and I'm exercising intelligent usage habits, my need for that sort of thing is exponentially reduced.

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