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07-01-09, 06:38 AM   #47
A Frostmaul Preserver
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Originally Posted by Yhor View Post
I was gonna link a video from youtube to kind of emphasize your point, but I could not find a single one that was even close to 'adult' appropriate to link here. There are hundreds of nerd rage videos showing just how great some people's personalities are, 95% of those videos (my own rough estimate) are from World of Warcrack. Go to youtube, search nerd rage or raid rage or even PvP rage and you'll have a censor's nightmare before you eyes.
Originally Posted by voodoodad View Post
I'll just say that some players must have a VASTLY different definition of the word fun than the way I interpret it.

You know, I used to raid with a raid leader who would, at least four times over the course of the night, shout and scream obscenities over Vent about how much our guild was a big pile of fail for not downing {insert-boss-here}, none of the dps were generating respectable numbers for their classes, the tanks couldn't hold aggro, or the healers were dead weight. But, at the end of the raid, he'd always tell us all how awesome we are and how much fun he had...

The first time he went off on me for stealing aggro off three tanks (Mages who remember their first raid know what I'm talking about ), I just about left the guild altogether because I thought it was entirely unnecessary. My guild leader begged me not to take it wrong and to just bide my time until the end of the raid, and sure enough, the raid leader was sweeter than banana cream pie. I was baffled, but I got over myself.

Some people just play the game that way. Their hardcore mode switch is broken permanently in the on position, and it confuses the crap out of me. For them, the game hasn't been fun if their blood pressure didn't rise to the point of bursting a capillary. Their definition of fun does indeed differ than mine, but at least their getting the most out of their $12-15 a month, eh?

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