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05-28-09, 12:58 AM   #4
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Posts: 19
Originally Posted by Phanx View Post
This is actually a problem with the Curse Client. It keeps its own records about which versions of addons it thinks you have. This is why it reinstalls every addon the first time you use it -- it does not look at the TOC version field, but rather updates an internal database each time you use the Curse Client to download an update.

So, even though you updated AddonX from Version2 to Version3 with the Minion, since the last version the Curse Client downloaded was Version2, it thinks it needs to download Version3 to get you up to date, completely unaware that you've already done this by some other means.

Your best bet is to either (a) just let the Curse Client download duplicate updates, or (b) go through each addon that appears on both sites, figure out which on the author updates most frequently (or provides more prompt support, or whatever) and tell the other site's client to ignore the addon.
I'm going to have to disagree with you there. I'm pretty sure the Curse Client is looking at the toc. I know just editing a line on the toc (for loadondemand for example) caused the Curse Client to note that there was something wrong with the addon. And I definitely didn't have to reinstall all my addons the first time I ran the Curse Client. It perfectly recognized almost all my addons that are available from their site. It also had very few addons which were recognized but with an incorrect version number.

On the other hand, Minion is telling me to update almost every addon I have, even ones which are already at the version it shows as the latest. That's not feasible as I'm on dialup. I'm not sure what the Curse Client is doing to determine versions of addons but at the moment it is doing a far better job than Minion, sad to say.

Minion also seems far too flexible in what it will accept when it can't find the addon, especially considering there's no way to know that it has done that without checking the more info option. Of course this is the beta so I don't expect it to be perfect.
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