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02-22-05, 04:56 PM   #7
Credendo Vides
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1. Start the game. Get the popup asking you "Delete or Exit". Choose EXIT.

2. Go to your World of Warcraft folder. Move the entire Interface folder and your WTF folder out of the WoW directory. Dump them on your desktop.

3. Restart the game, you should have no popup, but if you do, choose Delete (since you have backups now).

4. Log in your character (without addons), exit game.

5. Replace your Interface folder and WTF folder.

6. Restart the game. Under the Addons button choose "Disable Version checking".

7. Log in. Pray to the Addon Gods that Blizzard didn't change some LUA functionality that causes half your mods to break.

8. Play as usual, but remember to check often for updated versions from the mod authors

Please note, I don't use Cosmos (or any other UI mod, if there are any) which modifies the FrameXML files, so I've never had to actually test the method listed above. From what I have been told, the above will work. Verification from someone that uses this method and is successful would be appreciated. - Cairenn
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Last edited by Cairenn : 02-22-05 at 05:12 PM.
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