Thread: Who drops what?
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05-26-09, 03:03 PM   #20
A Cliff Giant
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Posts: 76
Originally Posted by Silenia View Post
No, it's the addons. Auctioneer is even mentioned by Datth in one of the sticky threads on the tech support forum as a one of the many addons that cause poor gaming performance (FPS issues). I volunteer there sometimes and have helped many, many people clear up FPS issues by merely removing those addons.

My old machine was a Core 2 Duo 6300 1.86Ghz, 2GB Corsair gaming ram, and a Geforce 8800 GT. My new machine is Core 2 Duo E8400 3Ghz, 4GB GSkill gaming ram, and a Saphire Radeon 1GB GDDR5 4870. Everything has been tested on XP, Vista, and several beta versions of Windows 7.

Both of those machines are completely different, and the new machine doesn't have a single piece of hardware (accept for the backup drive, mouse and keyboard) from the old machine. Everything in it is new, even all the cables and monitor.
Never reproduced those FPS issues here with extensive testing of both (in the past few months) on both PCs here. My old one was even older than yours: circa-2003 3GHz P4, 1 GB RDRAM, ATI Radeon 9700 Pro...heh. So don't know what the problem is. One thing you may want to do is some testing with a "CPU/memory profiler" utility such as OptionlessHouse.

Some current results here with AtlasLoot v5.05.00 & Auctioneer (Suite) 5.5.4254:
--AtlasLoot (and its separate modules): 1.146MB initial memory load, 0.0 "Mem/sec" (the amount it increases/decreases per second), 0.0 CPU/Sec. Opening instance modules separately (for example, looking at "Deadmines" loads the "AtlasLoot_OriginalWoW" module) will increase memory used. But once you close AtlasLoot and go back to the game, those modules also use 0.0 mem/sec & 0.0 cpu/sec.

So here at least, AtlasLoot simply can't create lag unless you are trying to look up a ton of stuff by opening AtlasLoot in the middle of a raid (which doesn't happen by default).

--Auctioneer's various modules using varying amouts of initial RAM (8.5MB and less; this amount will vary depending on your database size). More when you mouse over tooltips to initially "load" Auctioneer. When you are not mousing over items in your pack/AH/etc. the Mem/sec level for all its modules is 0.0. When you are mousing over such items, the Mem/sec level for various modules briefly increases, then goes back to 0.0.

CPU/sec, though, is higher. For the "Auc-Auctioneer" module, it continually consumes 0.34 to 0.45 CPU/sec. "Auc:Stat:Classic" uses 0.04 to 0.06 cpu/sec continually. All the other modules use 0.0. When you mouse over an item in your packs/AH/etc., this momentarily spikes. That's higher than several mods, but not exceptionally high. Certainly not enough to cause lag in a raid. On my old PC, I only raised the red flag in testing when a mod consumed more than 1.0 CPU/sec continually.

When Auctioneer finishes a full AH scan, though (only while you have the AH window open), it eats up considerable CPU while it is processing the scan data. This ends in a few minutes and/or when you leave the AH, though. It never happens outside of the AH.

QuestHelper, though, for sure. It uses a monumental amount of CPU time, more than any addon I've ever tested. You can reduce the CPU it consumes with the "/qh perf (percentage number)" command. Even set at, say, 10%, it still uses more than any other addon I've tested.

As I can't reproduce your lag issues with AtlasLoot & Auctioneer, don't know what else to tell you.

Originally Posted by Miralen View Post
Class Loot does, its a setting in the options. I dont know if you just read the page for it or downloaded it but I am running it and its the only tooltip modification addon I am running besides rating buster and I specifically remember enabling class loot to show where things drop in the options.

So unless thats an older version I linked in the link, it shows it fine. it even supports LinkWrangler if you happen to use it as I had to request for the feature to be added to it. Anyways figured I would defend my post, so feel free to check it out.
No, I've been using and testing ClassLoot for years (currently from the WowAce dev site).

But my mistake. Those boss/instance options were added to it as of "r11" from July 23/08 (they were not present before; this addon has been around a long time). And I have never used them, thus forgot about them .

One problem with the current implementation, though. It does not distinguish between "heroic" & "normal" instances, it just shows the boss name and the simple dungeon name. So AtlasLootReverse, Engravings, Mendeleev and (one I forgot about) InspectEquip are better choices if you want specific dungeon drop info.

If you primarily raid, though, ClassLoot is great to combine with one (or more) of those so you can see quickly what class/spec a drop is best for.

Last edited by Zidomo : 05-27-09 at 01:20 PM. Reason: typo
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