Thread: Who drops what?
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05-24-09, 02:28 PM   #18
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Originally Posted by Zidomo View Post

Sounds like an issue with something other than those addons.

I've done extensive testing of both over the years of both of those mods with both a very old (minimal spec) PC and a brand new one. They have never created lag themselves. They both use minimal CPU time (a primary cause of lag).

However, they both use a lot of memory. If you are, say, trying to run WoW with 1GB of memory or less (including the tons of background junk most people usually have on thier PCs), WoW will slow to a crawl. Due to your PC having to access its swap file on the hard drive when WoW uses increased memory--due to high-memory addons, walking around Dalaran, etc..

But by default, they don't even load into memory until you access them. Auctioneer doesn't load it its saved auction data until you open a tooltip (after you log on). AtlasLoot doesn't load at all until you bring it up through Atlas (via clicking a boss/mob) or manually after you log on. Both can be set in options to load completely when you log on, as opposed to the default of loading only when you access them.

So if your new PC has 2GB of main memory (or more), there is something else going on creating lag besides those two addons. Might want to try the most recent versions of AtlasLoot/Auctioneer again.
No, it's the addons. Auctioneer is even mentioned by Datth in one of the sticky threads on the tech support forum as a one of the many addons that cause poor gaming performance (FPS issues). I volunteer there sometimes and have helped many, many people clear up FPS issues by merely removing those addons.

My old machine was a Core 2 Duo 6300 1.86Ghz, 2GB Corsair gaming ram, and a Geforce 8800 GT. My new machine is Core 2 Duo E8400 3Ghz, 4GB GSkill gaming ram, and a Saphire Radeon 1GB GDDR5 4870. Everything has been tested on XP, Vista, and several beta versions of Windows 7.

Both of those machines are completely different, and the new machine doesn't have a single piece of hardware (accept for the backup drive, mouse and keyboard) from the old machine. Everything in it is new, even all the cables and monitor.
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