Thread: Who drops what?
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05-24-09, 11:51 AM   #15
A Cliff Giant
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Posts: 76
Originally Posted by WeeBaby View Post
Perhaps I should clarify and make sure its understood what it is I am looking for. So all these addons that you have all mentioned will allow me to see what bosses or instances a loot drops from in the tootip when I mouse over it? Like when I am inspecting gear on someone else?
ClassLoot does not. It shows what classes a particular drop is best for in the tooltip and that's it. Very useful when you are a master looter when raiding, but not what you are looking for.

Engravings & Mendeleev both provide what you are looking for--in the tooltip, what boss/mob drops an item. So does LootDB (the updated version from Curse only), but the other two have superior design.

Mendeleev also provides the "drop percentage" rates from a mob in the tooltip like AtlasLoot does. Engravings doesn't provide that, but allows you to optionally display an iLevel, "weighted" iLevel, stack size, Wowhead "class value" assessment & more.

For the Wowhead "class value", it detects the class you are playing and shows you numbers for your class showing you the item's Wowhead "value" number. It shows up to three different numbers showing you Wowhead's value for all your character's talent specs. The mod also allows you to create a custom "engraving" on an item (i.e. "This was a gift from my gf/bf").

Originally Posted by Silenia View Post
There's two addons that I cannot run. AtlasLoot and Auctioneer (latest versions when I downloaded them). On a fresh install of WoW with no other addons accept Atlasloot, it tanks my FPS down to 5. Auctioneer does the same thing. Normally I run with about 33 addons and in 10 man Nax I get roughly 66 FPS. I install those two addons, my FPS tanks. I delete them and my FPS is fine. My old machine did the same thing, and when I built my new one I was so sure I wouldn't have that issue... but I do.
Sounds like an issue with something other than those addons.

I've done extensive testing of both over the years of both of those mods with both a very old (minimal spec) PC and a brand new one. They have never created lag themselves. They both use minimal CPU time (a primary cause of lag).

However, they both use a lot of memory. If you are, say, trying to run WoW with 1GB of memory or less (including the tons of background junk most people usually have on thier PCs), WoW will slow to a crawl. Due to your PC having to access its swap file on the hard drive when WoW uses increased memory--due to high-memory addons, walking around Dalaran, etc..

But by default, they don't even load into memory until you access them. Auctioneer doesn't load it its saved auction data until you open a tooltip (after you log on). AtlasLoot doesn't load at all until you bring it up through Atlas (via clicking a boss/mob) or manually after you log on. Both can be set in options to load completely when you log on, as opposed to the default of loading only when you access them.

So if your new PC has 2GB of main memory (or more), there is something else going on creating lag besides those two addons. Might want to try the most recent versions of AtlasLoot/Auctioneer again.
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