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04-16-09, 07:57 AM   #2
Credendo Vides
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Originally Posted by hoho View Post
I also know of the pre-alpha wowinterface made client that should work on pretty much anything but I think it will only work for addons hosted on wowinterface. What I'd like is a manager that would be capable of unifying multiple addon hosting sites while working on all major OS'es.
Had you read the thread about our new one that is in Alpha, you would have seen this post (it's only the third one in, not like you have to go digging through multiple pages to find it. )

Originally Posted by Shirik View Post
As a teaser I can probably let you in on a few secrets:
  • OSGi Interface - The MMOUI Manager now interacts with a framework known as OSGi. This allows ANYONE to write modules for the application so that it can connect to other sites, add in new unpacking utilities (such as if someone wanted to write something to unpack 7zip, for example), etc. The possibilities are endless.
  • Multi-Game Tracking - As a side effect of being able to link any site to the MMOUI Manager, the MMOUI Manager is now capable of tracking and updating multiple games in a single pass.
  • News Features - A panel is added which allows for the display of news information (such as what you are reading now). This interfaces with OSGi so that anyone can link the MMOUI Manager to any site.
  • Automatic Updates - The MMOUI Manager now checks an update script to allow for automatic updating of the core and any supported modules
  • Improved Addon Heuristics - The MMOUI Manager has advanced heuristics now in place which automatically detects the ID of any addon to update. This eliminates the need for users to manually type in the ID of any addon not in their favorites list (which was required previously). It also eliminates the need to log in to access your favorites list.
This is not an all-inclusive list and just was what I can think of right now off the top of my head, but I hope it lets you get an idea of what to expect in the new version.

-- Shirik
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