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04-01-09, 02:02 AM   #7
An Aku'mai Servant
Jeania's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 39
I'm happy that addon authors will now be compensated... But... oh geez. I don't even know what to say...I feel so...

I've enjoyed hanging out with all of you...I'm horrified at Blizz... I'm going to miss you guys...god. I don't even know how to say how I feel at the moment. I know addon authors deserve comp... I'm on limited income though...

and..if I was able to pay the amounts that are up...I seriously don't think Blizz deserves a 40 percent cut for now allowing themselves to 'keep you guys' working even harder then before, to get a little bit of profit. I wonder how interaction between addon authors and the community is going to be...but it's not the same.

Plus, the ingenuity of some of the addons... they were created from imagination...artwork of the mind. And how do they deserve money from that? And those of you who slave over a ton of addons that you have so lovingly shared.... now you get to slave 'faster' and now will get QQ about people expect more because they 'paid' to get what you have created. We know that's going to happen.

I will buy the addons I can...but I know that I'm going to be missing so much. I can barely afford wow at times (yes, I'm not kidding) but I realize it's apart of something that keeps me occupied and...yes it allows the art and creativity in each of us to blossom. Even how we put your addons to use on our pages..lovingly adored and appreciated. And again, I DO agree that compensation..even while painful... I can understand that. For YOU guys.

Hell some of you have been working on these addons since vanilla, and now you have Blizz reaching into your pockets. Sure you'll make some money (I freaking hope) But...hell the hours you guys have put into it. And these are your work, your sweat, your joy and headaches. But congrats, Blizz is now saying, either fork it over, or your SOL. And don't forget, you have to be approved.

Again I love and adore each of you. I do hope >.< that perhaps the forums of WoWi continue (maybe) onto a freebie forums. But having them shuffled off into the main wow forums... That's just...worse.

Don't worry, I am going to try to do what I can to support. But...sometimes I do need groceries lol and it's going to be a long road ahead of me to get my happy little gifts that are now being ripped from you.

Please...I adore you guys, I am on your side, believe me. I just can't understand why Blizz needs more money...and from your years of work. Heh, so much for being able to have a say about something that is (really, when you think about it) copywrited by you, the authors. I think a lot of us who can't afford a lot...would be so much more willing (and I've seen a lot already doing this since this crud started) to help out. Sad it's late, I know. But this is just...

ugh I'm babbling...I think of all the kicks from Blizz..this is the one that hangs heavy in my heart. (and again I do hope WoWI can somehow continue, even if on a freebie we can at least all be together, if that makes sense :/. )

Loves ya all
Words to Remember:

"You never really learn much from hearing yourself talk." ~ George Clooney

*۝*Jeania/Anjelie ~ Dalaran*۝*
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