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10-26-08, 02:27 PM   #20
A Wyrmkin Dreamwalker
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 51
Mazzle has every right to keep the code of their specific things they created closed. Being open doesn't mean 'you're better than everyone because you're giving it away and letting everyone and their mother work on it' it just means you aren't good enough to do it on your own.

I kid, i kid, but it's bile and vinegar that's seeping into this thread that SHOULD be about how to get either the best addonUI compilation back in working order, OR making a comparable replacement.

Now, what about simply creating a UI compilation that uses similar structure? Cleave what we do and do not need from the UI to make it simpler to recreate/fix. Do we NEED little 3D guys? Not really. Do we NEED a lot of choice for raid frames? Nope. Do we even need Set button layouts? NO.

Honestly, what appealed to me about Mazzle was the look. It had a low on screen footprint, gave you everything you needed, and had a low memory footprint as well. Now, how hard is it to recreate something like that?

We don't need the addon to set itself for us...we've kind of forgotten our roots in that Mazzle did it for us :P Everyone is worried about how to make the Mazzifier, and no one seems concerend about simply making a UI compilation that works and releasing it like everyone else's. Where the end user HAS to make tweaks, but overall it's nice.
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