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10-17-08, 02:32 AM   #45
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 2
I'm one of the many "coders but not yet LUA enabled" and willing to help.

From what I can see, throwing away Mazzle would be a huge waste of time. Rewriting other libraries and addons falls into the same category at least in the short term and reality is, once the UI works everyone is off playing until the next patch breaks something so, for want of a better phrase, "3rd-party libraries are the go" (until broken beyond repair).

Once again, from what I've looked at so far fixing the mazzle UI should be a matter (not trivial but certainly not re-writeworthy) of bringing it into spec with the 3.02 API changes and finding/replacing/discarding 3rd-party addons as required.

major Issues seem to be mostly to do with this to self (and args), font object changes for buttons and finding a way of replacing removed generic API calls with their (mostly unit) replacements (there's another one, FrameDropdowns or something). For mine, the this/self is the biggest hurdle but that's proabaly more my lack of syntactical understanding at this cursory stage.

(I haven't looked at the Mazzifier but it should be fixable as anything Mazzle_UI can marshall, Mazzifier should be able to pre-configure).

There are working 3.02 version of most of the major must have "dependencies" like DUF, Autobar,oRA2,sraifFrames etc. and a bunch of the old ones still seem to work. Maz just needs to ba able to marshall them back into the fanstastic interface we all know and love.

I'll be spending some time this weekend trying to work on and learning Maz as well as addon hunting and I'll bring any insights and progress back here.

So, I'm an optimist, shoot me... eerr no wait.

Last edited by Real2Reel : 10-17-08 at 02:47 AM. Reason: Uckfing Ingfers
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