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10-16-08, 08:21 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by divstator View Post
I think it might be best to make a 2 prong attack on this. Use all the 3rd party addons we can to get it back up and running and then work redesigning the core. As you said projects do die. It'd be nice to get Mazzle on as consultant so if there were things that he wanted done and not left out we could address that. Nobody can be altruistic forever and shouldn't be expected to, but it'd be nice know what he would prefer.

I think as far as the action bars go, that they should probably not be in the core, that's not to say that they shouldn't be able to be "mazzified" but they should be able to be swapped for a different bar addon with a minimal amount of fuss.

The context menu could more or less be recreated using a couple of action bars and tying it to the hotspot (I like those hotspots!).
As about the only person posting in this thread who has worked with Mazzle in the past, I've taken the liberty of sending a PM to him asking some of these very questions.

As for the bar, one of the deal-breakers for me is not having my buttons auto placed & bound. And for that to exist, I'm thinking we're going to have to tie ourselves to one barmod (either one wholly written by the team or a selected 3rd party one). In the interest of getting this done quickly I suggest going 3rd party for now. To that end, I think the real choices are Dominoes (written by the Bongos author), Macaroon (Trinity replacement, written by the same author) or Bartender. We probably need someone to take a look at each of these, compare with what Mazzle currently does and find the closest "replacement."

It does not appear that either the context menu nor the hotspots rely on anything other than some clever coding from Mazzle. It appears that both of these, while not trivial, are completely composed of frames and other objects composed on the fly programmatically with art textures overlaid. Probably those two are the least of the worries.

MazzleUI Beta Tester
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