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10-11-08, 03:28 AM   #49
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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You have brought nothing new to this discussion.

It is a good idea to actually read the thread you're posting in so you can reply in context.
(It's not exceedingly long, in fact your post is the longest one).

I blame whoever linked this thread on the official forums, last thing we need is the usual wow forums standards invading wowi.

You came from a thread starting with the misconception that wowmatrix is "redistributing" addons
and that's what's wrong with it and you have built a whole defense on the "not redistributing" part.

Go back and read the present thread from the start.
We're very well aware that they're not re-distributing addons as that would require them to upload addons to their servers first and then allow them to be downloaded by users, incurring the bandwidth costs in the process along with the manpower costs of verifying said addons and their servers are free of malware etc.

If that were the case they'd only have a beef with authors instead of how they're pissing both addon authors and legitimate addon hosts at the same time now.

Do we really need to explain how wowmatrix =/= a user's internet browser?
Or how linking to an addon's page =/= hotlinking to an addon's file?

I hope not, although you keep using those two arguments as if it was plain as day it's the same thing.

Edit: I could sort of sympathize with users that project an attitude of
"I understand it a dubious practice that makes most addon authors + addon sites unhappy but give me a better or equivalent alternative without those issues".
That could spark a creative process.
Maybe the addon sites coming to an agreement that would allow their respective updaters to pull stuff from each other?
Maybe a list of pre-requisites that 3rd party updaters could follow to be allowed access to the site's content?

This effort to legitimize wowmatrix and use of it by any means necessary is both extremely annoying and self-invalidating.
That site owners/program authors(?) are obviously following the discussions.
Changes are happening in their program as the discussion continues.
Whether they take it far enough to actually make a difference or it will remain a pretext not touching the core of the issue is yet to be seen.
At the moment it seems to be the latter as one wowace poster put it their recent changes can be summed up as:
We add authors and links, so authors don't keep telling us to remove their addons (which would make our updater useless),
but we still make money with leeching bandwith from other sites.
P.S.: In addition this will keep those stupid support questions out of our mailbox...
If you think there are no issues and all is fine and dandy I strongly suggest you take your crusade over to them.
Convince them everything was fine already (link references to them - go crazy) and they need to revert their recent changes.

Last edited by Dridzt : 10-11-08 at 04:54 AM.