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10-10-08, 04:22 PM   #45
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 14
i just hope in near future will be someone who can offer another updater, more similar to jwu, i loved it.
curse client is just all i hate: curse. i'm away from there since patch 1.8. now that the ace team moved there (i really dont understand why), we are all in a great confusion. with 'all' ai mean ppl who care about what addons are, who develop this stuff, and how.
here, or in ace forums, there is a community. on curse there is nothing. just ads, ripoffs, and other odd stuff.
the first question i had in mind was 'why curse and not wowui?' well, still cant catch it. the second question, when i learned about tis curse clien, was 'cool, now i have to pay for the autoupdate function'.
btw, i got a mac, and the cc beta for mac is so ugly and buggy that just i'm not updating addons. and if they think they can get some money rfom ppl like me, ppl that have the same frustration, the same mood, the same 'i dont update, maybe i dont use some addons anymore'.. well, they are wrong.
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