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Alaror 04-22-20 12:38 PM

PlayerModel not appearing consistently, and it's driving me to the breaking point
Alright folks, posting here as a last ditch effort with the hopes that someone can provide some insight. I'm trying to use PlayerModel frames to display spell models. The problem is that they're not all appearing.

As an example, let's look at the Voidform effect I made. It's made up of many individual spell models (some swirly bits in the center, void tendrils sticking out the sides, etc). I've created an EffectPlayer to handle playing groups of effects. In this case it turns on models based on the number of Voidform stacks the player has, the idea being that the effect gets bigger over time. The EffectPlayer code is all working fine.

The problem is that not all of the spell models are appearing. I have a list of model fileIDs that make up each effect. The Voidform effect's first two spell models don't appear. The first is supposed to trigger immediately when you enter Voidform and the second turns on at 5 stacks. The third and fourth spell models both turn on at Voidform stack 10; these are appearing correctly, along with all of the rest of the spell effects after that. For some reason, spell models one and two never appear.

Or so I thought. I disabled the rest of the spell models in the Voidform effect to see if I could narrow down what's happening with spell models one and two. Tried playing the effect again and, sure enough, neither were appearing. I decided to change the Voidform stack required to appear to 10 since that's when spell models three and four turned on. Much to my surprise, suddenly spell model two was appearing correctly! Still, spell model one wasn't appearing. You know what's really crazy about that? SPELL MODELS ONE AND FOUR ARE EXACTLY THE SAME EXCEPT FOR THEIR SCALE!!! (and it's only a scale increase of 1)

I've noticed some changes in behavior based on whether I Hide()/Show() the PlayerModel frames vs setting their size to 0.001 and making them larger when they need to be visible, but--no matter what combination I've tried--not all the spell effects appear consistently. When I use the Show()/Hide() method, some spells models will appear while others won't; when I use the shrink/enlarge method others will appear. The spells models that are visible are usually consistent, but sometimes when I first log in spells that normally appear won't.

Needless to say, I have no fucking idea what's going on with PlayerModel at this point. If anyone can provide insight it would be MUCH appreciated.

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