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lysst 10-15-14 07:18 AM

Unable to connect
I get this error message when I start it up:

Minion is unable to connect to the internet. Please check your firewall, security & proxy settings. Please visit our Help & Support page for additional information.
However my internet is definitely working. I put it on the allowed list in Windows Firewall and still get the same message.

Any suggestions on what to do?

I'm running Win7 64-bit with Windows Firewall and Security Essentials.

Dolby 10-15-14 09:07 AM

Hi lysst,

Can you post your minion0.log? That should have a little more information for me to see why its failing the network test.

Its located in the .minion folder in the windows user folder here:
C:\Users\<your username>\.minion\

Thanks :)

lysst 10-15-14 04:20 PM

Here it is:


[2014-10-15 15:17:37.INFO com.zam.minion.Minion logSystemInformation **********************************************************************
[2014-10-15 15:17:37.INFO com.zam.minion.Minion logSystemInformation * 7
[2014-10-15 15:17:37.INFO com.zam.minion.Minion logSystemInformation * os.version=6.1
[2014-10-15 15:17:37.INFO com.zam.minion.Minion logSystemInformation * os.arch=amd64
[2014-10-15 15:17:37.INFO com.zam.minion.Minion logSystemInformation * java.runtime.version=1.7.0_40-b43
[2014-10-15 15:17:37.INFO com.zam.minion.Minion logSystemInformation * java.class.path=E:\Minion\app\Minion-jfx.jar
[2014-10-15 15:17:37.INFO com.zam.minion.Minion logSystemInformation * java.library.path=E:\Minion\app\
[2014-10-15 15:17:37.INFO com.zam.minion.Minion logSystemInformation * user.language=en
[2014-10-15 15:17:37.INFO com.zam.minion.Minion logSystemInformation * user.home=C:\Users\Sara
[2014-10-15 15:17:37.INFO com.zam.minion.Minion logSystemInformation * Documents Directory=Documents
[2014-10-15 15:17:37.INFO com.zam.minion.Minion logSystemInformation **********************************************************************
[2014-10-15 15:17:37.INFO com.zam.minion.Minion enumerateDrives Enumerating Drives:
[2014-10-15 15:17:37.INFO com.zam.minion.Minion enumerateDrives : NTFS
[2014-10-15 15:17:37.INFO com.zam.minion.Minion enumerateDrives Data: NTFS
[2014-10-15 15:17:37.INFO com.zam.minion.Minion enumerateDrives New Volume: NTFS
[2014-10-15 15:17:37.INFO com.zam.minion.Minion enumerateDrives Desktop:
[2014-10-15 15:17:37.FINE com.zam.minion.Minion start Font: Font[name=Interstate Mono, family=Interstate Mono, style=Regular, size=20.0]
[2014-10-15 15:17:38.FINE com.zam.minion.controller.MinionController initWindowControls Controls initialized.
[2014-10-15 15:17:38.FINE com.zam.minion.util.FeedClient checkNetworkConnections Starting network check ...
[2014-10-15 15:17:38.FINE com.zam.minion.util.FeedClient getRoutePlanner System Default Http Proxy.
[2014-10-15 15:17:38.FINE com.zam.minion.util.FeedClient$HeadThread run Ping Status for 200
[2014-10-15 15:17:40.WARNING com.zam.minion.util.FeedClient$HeadThread run IOException:
[2014-10-15 15:17:40.FINE com.zam.minion.Minion start Position X: 42 Y: 257 W: 1204 H: 688

Dolby 10-15-14 04:32 PM

Interesting. You seem to be able to download from our CDN just fine from the log (font downloaded fine). The network test it self looks to be failing.

In that same folder you will find a minion.xml. Can you open that up in your favorite text editor and add the following line?

Find this:


Insert a new line below it with the following:

<skip-network-check />
Save the minion.xml and launch Minion and see if it loads? If it doesnt can you paste your new minion0.log?

lysst 10-16-14 07:51 AM

That did the trick, connects just fine now!

Dolby 10-16-14 10:31 AM

Thanks for letting me know lysst, looks like we have a bug in the way Minion checks for a network connection with some people. I've created a bug ticket to investigate this further with the errors in the log you posted.

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