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moon_river 12-14-12 02:18 AM

Addons for human Mage
Which addons can you recommend for human Mage? His profession is Alchemist. Thanks for advance!

Phanx 12-14-12 03:08 AM

DoubleWideTradeSkills (Curse link since it's not hosted on WoWI) will make the tradeskill window double-width like the quest log window. There are several "advanced tradeskill window" addons floating around that may interest you if you plan to spend a lot of time doing tradeskills, but when I've tried them, I find that the only part I end up caring about is the double-wide window, so I figure I may as well just have that and not be loading all the other stuff. :p

I haven't played a mage since very early vanilla days, so I really have no idea what mage-specific addons are popular these days. That said, I do play an enhancement/resto shaman, a guardian/feral druid, a mistweaver monk, and a prot paladin, and I'm not currently active in raiding, but I've never actually felt a need for any class-specific addons. There are a lot of over-complicated "show timers for everything under the sun" addons, and a lot of mindless "tell you what button to push when" addons, but if you actually want to learn to play your class well, I'd strongly recommend that you avoid any class-specific addons until you have a good grasp on the mechanics of all your abilities, and a good idea of when you should use them.

By then, you'll probably have some thoughts on where the UI is lacking -- maybe it's too hard to keep track of your sheep timer, for example -- and you can go looking for addons that address those specific issues. When you do, I'd suggest still avoiding class-specific addons, and looking for generic addons you can use on multiple classes instead.

Some other addons that aren't necessarily mage-specific or alchemy-specific that won't get in the way of learning the game, but will fix what I think are some major annoyances with the default UI:

BadBoy and its related plugins will block gold-selling and power-leveling spam, block the millions of spam guild invites you will get if you're not in a guild, and block messages in public chat channels containing words or phrases you don't want to see (great for blocking whatever the latest meme spam is on your server).

BetterBlizzOptions will let you move and resize the Interface Options frame. Not that exciting, but useful.

Once you start running dungeons, ChatLoot will move the loot history window into a chat tab, letting you check on it quickly without having to type slash commands or waste screen space.

CrowBar will add a button on your screen whenever you loot an openable item, so you can open them immediately instead of letting your bags fill up with clams.

OmniCC will add text to the cooldown animations on your action buttons, so you can better see how much time is left on your cooldowns.

If you're doing pet battles, PetJournalEnhanced is really nice.

I mentioned QuestPointer and TomTom in your other thread, but they're worth a second mention.

When you're picking quest rewards, VendorBait will highlight the one that sells to vendors for the most. Once you get to Pandaria, quests will automatically give you the reward that's relevant to your current spec, but until then, it'll save you a little time.

WhisperColor will let you set different colors for whispers you send vs. whispers you recieve. Another not very exciting, but really useful, addon.

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