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Lily.Petal 11-20-11 02:10 PM

So who's waiting for 4.3?
I honestly am, I have 3 bag und bank spots put together; every bag are Portal Black Holes or bigger lol.

I just can't wait for void storage, but I MIIIGHT need more than 80 slots in the long run xD

I have every Rogue tier for rogues including 0.5 Dark Mantle, off tier sets like the epics from 2.1 (Kara Gruul etc), and tons of weapon pieces.

Not to mention my current PvE and PvP gear, I just need my void storage xD Thank goodness I have a lot of gold and can pay for it.

Ither 11-20-11 02:25 PM

I totally misread that topic.

I thought it said "So who's waiting for me?"

Haleth 11-20-11 02:32 PM

I like the new stuff like Transmogrify and the new Darkmoon Faire, but the heroics look really boring in my eyes. I've done them all on PTR, the only one that I found mildly enjoyable was Well of Eternity, but it has very little fighting and the boss fights are also underwhelming. The RP sequences made it great, but I fear that those will get really repetitive after a while.

Raid Finder was a big joke, at least on PTR, where three different times we kept wiping on the first trash, everybody was clueless and 5 people were offline or afk at all times.

At any rate it'll give me something to do again.

Lily.Petal 11-20-11 02:58 PM

Your mind, where is it? (Answer: The Gutter)

Originally Posted by TheGeek (Post 247583)
I totally misread that topic.

I thought it said "So who's waiting for me?"

I might only do raid finder to get my tier set, took me forever to get my 4 piece for t12, I honestly love the way tier is going to be,. Hope I can get back into it, even for pvp. I hate how rogue pvp is. I miss mutilate prep so much.


Originally Posted by Haleth (Post 247585)
I like the new stuff like Transmogrify and the new Darkmoon Faire, but the heroics look really boring in my eyes. I've done them all on PTR, the only one that I found mildly enjoyable was Well of Eternity, but it has very little fighting and the boss fights are also underwhelming. The RP sequences made it great, but I fear that those will get really repetitive after a while.

Raid Finder was a big joke, at least on PTR, where three different times we kept wiping on the first trash, everybody was clueless and 5 people were offline or afk at all times.

At any rate it'll give me something to do again.

Ither 11-20-11 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Lily.Petal (Post 247587)
Your mind, where is it? (Answer: The Gutter)

My mind is NOT in the gutter missy.

Ketho 11-20-11 06:42 PM

Darkmoon Island is very much fun :)
I agree the raid finder can be horrible (griefers/offliners everywhere), but it might be a somehow fast way to learn the basic tactics of a fight

Dridzt 11-20-11 08:08 PM

My guild is running 2x10man teams.

Not "A" Team, "B" Team, we keep them balanced and in-fact periodically shuffle members both to keep everyone playing with everyone and avoid segregation but also to help whichever seems to be lagging behind.

LRF will allow us to set aside 1 raid night that we run in 25 for some whole-guild fun.
(our 10man teams will continue to run normal/heroic difficulty as now)
The easier difficulty will allow us to get casual (in the sense of infrequent raiders) as well as less knowledgeable people on board,
and the ability to fill the odd spot with pugs if we happen to have a slow night ensures no cancelled raids.

I can see it working very nicely for casual guilds, not sure about pure /tradechat or x-realm pugs.

In the end the experience for anyone solo-queuing LFR will very much depend on what's the majority of groups that will end up populating the tool.
- core is tradechat pug from same server (will be same as pugs in WotLK, some good some bad)
- core is guild group (will probably be good)
- there is no core, LFR just put random people together (going to be a nightmare, horror stories are going to spawn)

I believe it will be better than people think mainly because a big portion of the groups will actually be pre-made in one sense or another;
form raid THEN signup in LFR for the last few spots.
So anyone solo-queuing will have a decent chance to be placed in a group that has some cohesion.

Coote 11-20-11 10:58 PM

More than 2/3 of my bank space is filled with gear, so definitely can't wait for void storage to get some space back. I've got all but 1 item farmed for my transmog set (freaking chest just refuses to drop :'().

I'm definitely looking forward to LFR, the new heroics, and the new raid. I've farmed nearly all the gold I'll need for the first stage of getting my Legendary. Honestly, I couldn't care much less about the daggers themselves, but from what I've seen so far, the quests are going to be as epic, if not far more than the old Rogue class quests were. Totally looking forward to it. :banana:

Paolo242 11-21-11 10:53 AM

I'm not that stoked for transmog. I'm not sure why. I did collect the purple judgement set for my Pally but I think most of my lackluster attitude about it is because I think the t12 pally gear is the best looking set ever.

I may end up transmogging my t13 to look like t12.... Everyone will just think I'm undergeared. :)

I'm excited about the new dungeons though. They should be a nice change. I'm going to miss being a healing totem, but I guess a "Shootable" Holy Radiance isnt too bad.

As far as my warrior is concerned.... nothing is changing. :(

Lily.Petal 11-21-11 03:05 PM

I love the tier12 for paladin, but sadly nothing beats the new Season PvP gear they are getting. It's astounding!


Originally Posted by Paolo242 (Post 247628)
I'm not that stoked for transmog. I'm not sure why. I did collect the purple judgement set for my Pally but I think most of my lackluster attitude about it is because I think the t12 pally gear is the best looking set ever.

I may end up transmogging my t13 to look like t12.... Everyone will just think I'm undergeared. :)

I'm excited about the new dungeons though. They should be a nice change. I'm going to miss being a healing totem, but I guess a "Shootable" Holy Radiance isnt too bad.

As far as my warrior is concerned.... nothing is changing. :(

Paolo242 11-21-11 03:10 PM

Speaking of PVP gear, when are they going to make a warrior PVP set that looks like a roman gladiator?

tenub 11-21-11 03:23 PM

Erm, I log in on Tuesdays for 7/7h farm then log off after the 1.5-2 hours. I have no items for transmogrification and have no intentions to. I've been playing Tribes: Ascend closed beta which is far superior to WoW in every regard even though they are two completely different games. T1/T2 was always a better game, the problem was that the community died out. Now everything is being reinvigorated and I might quit WoW for it when it's released next year and maybe even earlier if they make proper changes to the current beta build asap. :)

Lily.Petal 11-21-11 03:57 PM

Comparing Tribes and WoW is like the people out there that compared Skyrim with CoD. You really can't xD

Also, watched the trailer for Ascend and I was like, First level of Halo1 with better graphics?? Looked cool though.

EDIT: Yes I know tribes was out before Halo.


Originally Posted by tenub (Post 247642)
Erm, I log in on Tuesdays for 7/7h farm then log off after the 1.5-2 hours. I have no items for transmogrification and have no intentions to. I've been playing Tribes: Ascend closed beta which is far superior to WoW in every regard even though they are two completely different games. T1/T2 was always a better game, the problem was that the community died out. Now everything is being reinvigorated and I might quit WoW for it when it's released next year and maybe even earlier if they make proper changes to the current beta build asap. :)

vivianalive 11-23-11 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by tenub (Post 247642)
Erm, I log in on Tuesdays for 7/7h farm then log off after the 1.5-2 hours. I have no items for transmogrification and have no intentions to. I've been playing Tribes: Ascend closed beta which is far superior to WoW in every regard even though they are two completely different games. T1/T2 was always a better game, the problem was that the community died out. Now everything is being reinvigorated and I might quit WoW for it when it's released next year and maybe even earlier if they make proper changes to the current beta build asap. :)

I gotta say that we share some experience in common, except that you've played Tribes while the only MMORPG (apart from WOW) I have played is AION.
I was a hard core raider in hard mode in past two years. Most of my game hours were spent in various group dungeons, Ulduar, ICC, BWD and Fireland (7/7H), then logged off, canceled sub.
Though I play priest(mainly shadow) and I am a girl, I almost have no pretty gear in backpack or bank.
I miss my game experience in the very beginning. The world was so curious, and I was so curious.
4.3 is not for me. DW combat is what a huge taunt ever. And ye, transmogrification is cool, but I have no extra items.

Melikae 11-23-11 10:15 AM

Not really looking forward to it -.-

Just deleted my massive rant about equipping terrible players with free epics, quintessence was, that raiding is a long series of disappointing decisions by Blizz (LFR is a huge joke imho).

40 man was awesome, killing a boss with 40 people nerdraging in TS/Vent was an incredible experience.
25 man was ok, it didn't have the feel of the old 40 man groups, but you still had a bunch of other freaks to share the experience.
Today, 10 man raiding is just like "Hey, we killed that endboss, thank god for not having to wipe another week... now let's farm another 10+ mounts for everybody and wait for the next patch".

Transmog is kinda nice to not have to look at a bad looking armorset for month, but other than that, it will just lead to armies of people showing off in old instance tier sets they farmed at lvl 85, when never ever going to that instance when you where supposed to. Feels a bit like those achievment faking addons, that were out there just after achievments were added to the game.

Anyway, I was stupid enough to pay for the annual pass, gonna play some SW:TOR, when it arrives and some D3 as well and see, if anything is good enough to replace WoW, otherwise, I'll just stick to it as always and wait whether the next MMO might finally be good enough to keep playing that (LotRO, AoC, AION never kept me playing long enough to even consider quitting WoW).

tenub 11-25-11 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by Lily.Petal (Post 247650)
Comparing Tribes and WoW is like the people out there that compared Skyrim with CoD. You really can't xD

Also, watched the trailer for Ascend and I was like, First level of Halo1 with better graphics?? Looked cool though.

EDIT: Yes I know tribes was out before Halo.

I did not compare the two. I simply stated that every single Tribes game (yes, even Vengeance) was superior to every single version of WoW (yeah, I know, I tweaked my initial comment a bit). One can absolutely make this statement.

And yes, Drydock Day is reminiscent of Halo (where 90% of the gameplay trailer takes place) and was made after any of the original Tribes games and is not based on any of the old maps. Consequently, the majority of the beta feedback forum is filled with complaints about that particular map (not necessarily for it being similar to a Halo map). Refer to my videos for a more robust view of the game:

haylie 11-25-11 06:07 PM

I was planning on maybe coming back for this patch but then Skyrim came out, so...

CobraA1 11-27-11 12:34 AM


I did not compare the two. I simply stated that every single Tribes game (yes, even Vengeance) was superior to every single version of WoW (yeah, I know, I tweaked my initial comment a bit). One can absolutely make this statement.
You can make the statement, but that wouldn't make it any less subjective, and it certainly won't make the games any more comparable. I personally don't play games like tribes - I don't really have the skill in shooters to be competitive. So from my own subjective opinion, WoW is superior, and I can absolutely make that statement :cool:.

Personally I'm not waiting, because I need to work on trade skills. I never really bothered to level my trade skills when I initially leveled my character. Probably need to work on my gear as well.

tenub 11-27-11 03:31 AM


Originally Posted by CobraA1 (Post 247936)
You can make the statement, but that wouldn't make it any less subjective, and it certainly won't make the games any more comparable. I personally don't play games like tribes - I don't really have the skill in shooters to be competitive.

Of course my statement was horrendously subjective. ;)

I don't think there's a game out there with a higher learning curve and that requires insane practice and skill except maybe kz maps in cs 1.6. Personally, I find that's what makes the series so great. :)

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