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OldHarry 10-13-10 04:27 AM

Hating this new patch
So a whole day of down time for a big patch and it messed up every single toon. We lost carbonite and the ingame map just totally sucks. I have yet to see a single improvement. The way they ruined what they did to my low level mage means I may not level it. I mean they took conjure food, conjure water, the port she had, slowfall - took the feathers right out of the bag even. I have never seen Blizz do worse things in a patch.

Darxon 10-13-10 04:31 AM

It isnt Blizz fault that carbonite isnt updated :P
As far as mages go, there are alot of improvments, i think you have missed something ^^

Led ++ 10-13-10 04:38 AM

You just have to adapt, and that will probably be harder for leveling a new toon.

It's just a matter of time since we're used to the old way of spending talents, when we're getting which skills etc.

Petrah 10-13-10 07:14 AM

I also have a low level mage. You have to go train and learn your new spells. Conjure food/drink stuffs was available for me at the trainer in IF. Get your new portal thingies from your spell book and drag em on to your actionbar. There's two of them, one for portals and one for teleports. They're now dropdown (well, they go up) menu items. A definite improvement in my book because I no longer need an addon for it. And Mirror Image.. omg, I didn't have that before and just this second noticed I have it! Dude.. how can you say all of these changes are bad? It's awesome! :banana::banana::banana::banana:

If your feathers are missing then submit a ticket. Mine are there in my bag.

As for Carbonite... did you expect anything less from a semi abandoned addon?

Thus far all of the changes I've seen for all my toons has been great... accept hunters. I dunno what they were thinking there. :mad:

OldHarry 10-13-10 09:32 AM

They changed the level for conjure food, conjure water, slowfall and ports. But why did they go in and actually take items out of bags? A few hours later and I still have more toons to retrain, retalent a see what has changed for them. And lets not mention the serious lag on loading screens.

Gandoch 10-13-10 09:50 AM

You know patch notes have been available for ages, right? Logging in is not required to see what changed, nor should you be surprised by any of said changes.

Altarius 10-13-10 09:50 AM

Patience. I think that the developers have done a great job, and I am sure that with time there will be a new Carbonite. I sure will miss it until it gets here.

kasca 10-13-10 10:02 AM

I hate it. I need rejem everthing. I dont have any bonses on anyone of my toons. Yes i did before. I ran a random and my dps sucks. The toons i love to play all got screwed. Bliz sucked on this one. They changed way to much.

As for low lvl toons. I got a baby i may also dump. It almost impostable to lvl with the pt system. So what i see now i will NOT be makeing one the new races.

sjones321 10-13-10 10:30 AM

You guys need to remember that this patch is a precursor to Cataclysm. Having played in the beta for a while now I can assure you leveling a new toon has never been easier. Just because things have changed from what you are used to doesn't mean they don't fit the big picture. Especially saying you wont be making one of the new races is silly as Blizzard had done a ton to make them fun to start.

Just relax and remember that Blizzard is not doing this to piss you off, and that everything will all work out.

kasca 10-13-10 11:15 AM

Work out. Ya like fury warriors or beast hunters. Bliz dont care. They dont listen to what the players say. They take the easy way out so they can spend our money. There slowly killing a really cool game.

Petrah 10-13-10 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by kasca (Post 209267)
Work out. Ya like fury warriors or beast hunters. Bliz dont care. They dont listen to what the players say. They take the easy way out so they can spend our money. There slowly killing a really cool game.

If you want to make a difference then post in the official suggestions forum. Before you claim that this doesn't work, take a look at the completed suggestions that Blizz has implemented already. If enough people suggest a beneficial change for everyone that does not go against the desired outcome of the game, then they will implement that change.

Whining about it here, in trade chat, or anywhere else other than the suggestions forums does nothing but incite irritation for the rest of us.

voodoodad 10-13-10 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by kasca (Post 209267)
Work out. Ya like fury warriors or beast hunters. Bliz dont care. They dont listen to what the players say. They take the easy way out so they can spend our money. There slowly killing a really cool game.

Actually, I'm a BM hunter, and I'm quite happy with the changes. The talents that I wanted are still there, and the ones that were superfluous are gone for the most part. My dps is better now than pre-patch.

I'm not sure where your nerd-rage is coming from, but if you no longer like the game... well you know.... quit...

OldHarry 10-13-10 02:24 PM

You know it actually does help to vent a bit. I do love the game and probably spend more time than most playing. Going in to re-talent and untangle 8 toons is getting tedious. I am afraid to see what they did to my shammy. I do think though that smaller patches would work much better and have suggested that on the WoW forums before.

Nobgul 10-13-10 02:35 PM

I have 14 level 80 toons, With that being said I am taking it 1 at a time. The glyph buying process is very expensive on my server but eh. Overall I have not seen anything that has made me go OMFG I QUIT!. There are several things that we all have gotten used to over the past few years that did change, but with everything in life you will get use to it.

If you are complaining that your dps is lower then you have failed to do your research and or check new skills/talents. From what I saw last night most classes are either on par with what they were or at a higher dps.


Love my resto shammy now! Healed a Ulduar 10 hard mode run last night and it was great. Going oom Oh Noes! I Know Lightning Bolt a few times and whoosh I have mana. IMHO a 300 mana spell cast that gives back 4-7k mana is great.

Xinhuan 10-13-10 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by OldHarry (Post 209398)
You know it actually does help to vent a bit. I do love the game and probably spend more time than most playing. Going in to re-talent and untangle 8 toons is getting tedious. I am afraid to see what they did to my shammy. I do think though that smaller patches would work much better and have suggested that on the WoW forums before.

There in lies the problem, you're trying to relearn 8 toons at one go. The class changes are so massive, it will take you at least a day just to relearn one class. Take it easy, one toon per day at a time.


Cyn325 10-14-10 01:42 PM

or even a couple days for a toon in the case of ones with dual spec. My daughter has a few of those. She is having to learn how to play her paladin all over because of the massive changes they made to them. Even her other healing class toons....they've changed so much in how to heal with them that she's finding it a bit confusing trying to figure out when to use what spells. The ones she was used to using for certain things now do different things. Even playing a BM hunter isn't all that easy anymore. There's a couple new things to add into a basic rotation even for them. I don't think there is going to be a whole lot of "face-rolling" anymore lol. At least they dumped this on us with plenty of time to get used to the new mechanics before cata comes out.

OldHarry 10-15-10 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by Xinhuan (Post 209429)
There in lies the problem, you're trying to relearn 8 toons at one go. The class changes are so massive, it will take you at least a day just to relearn one class. Take it easy, one toon per day at a time.


How about my growing frustration and anger are not due to relearning toons. How about they are due to loading screens taking 5 minutes, game freezing up, lag so bad you can't fix your action bars because the lag screws up the simple act of trying to drag a spell out of your spellbook. I have a toon I am trying to play that I am fine with the talents, fine with the changes but I can't do **** because of the LAG. And the WoW forum is now saying if you use a mac you need to upgrade to snow leopard or wait a month. YES I AM PISSED AND GETTING MORESO THE LONGER I WAIT.


Seerah 10-15-10 12:17 PM

Did you turn down your video settings?

OldHarry 10-15-10 02:44 PM

Turning down the video settings was the very first thing I did.

vscott 10-15-10 03:03 PM

I just had to say something. I usually just watch posts and listen. But if you are complaining about mages, you really did not learn your class. ALL CASTERS ARE SERIOUSLY OP RIGHT NOW. You should be thanking bliz right now that they balanced the game based on level 85 which means more mana more health and more dps for you. As a mage for my whole wow career I have never seen them having the same leveling speed as a hunter or pally or something. You are literally two shoting stuff. So why no conjure food/water? YOU KILL **** TOO FAST, and if you just spend a few silver on vendor food will last you a lot longer then pre patch. STOP QQ MORE PEW PEW!!!!!

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