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Grimsin 09-19-09 04:13 PM

How did you....
So, you may or may not know that im building my own UI, nothing like NUI at lest not yet, and of course spawned from Mazzle as most of the full UI's are.

So, I'm hoping i might be able to get some answers on how certain things are done here since i can't figure it out.

The two big issues im having or getting complete control of the chatframes. They seem to almost have a mind of their own. I have tried using event handlers and having my chat settings load after everything else and then stopping anything else from changing them again to no avail.

The other issue is getting setcvar useUiScale and UiScale to setup without the user having to type /reload after they have logged in. in other words so it sets up completely without the end user having to do anything. Once again i tried different firing events. I did notice that it has an issue with the fact that using those scvars have an error if it can not find those lines in the

any help on this would be greatly appreciated. These are the two main issues with my UI right now. If i could over come these two hurdles the UI for the most part would set itself up on a fresh install with no end user work.

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