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todd0168 08-23-09 12:01 PM

Browser Issues
Ok, I am having a really weird problem and am hoping that someone here might have some ideas. Starting sometime yesterday, whenever I load this site or wowhead I am not getting any of the background artwork or anything like it. All I get is a mostly white screen with links and that's pretty much it. I am using FireFox (the newest version 3.5.2). I hate IE but it seems to be loading the sites ok. And my son, who is still using an older version of FF can load them just fine as well.

Does anyone else have the newest version of FF but not having issues? Is there a way to reinstall an older version of FF?

Help me please.

/edit - never mind I got it figured out.

richwarf 08-23-09 06:31 PM

no script addon :P?

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