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Seerah 08-03-08 08:53 PM

Pick for 8/3: oUF (new) and plugins

The oUF core has finally gotten to a point in its development where haste has decided to upload it to WoWInterface. You may have seen layouts for it or plugins which added additional functionality being uploaded in the past few months. In oUF's comments area, haste attributes his decision to upload the core finally to the sheer presence of these additional downloads. :p

oUF (core) is a lightweight unit frames addon that depends on layouts and other plugins to get you the look/extended features you want. It does not have in-game options, and you cannot drag frames - their placement/font/etc are controlled by the code of the layout you choose. As such, oUF isn't really for those who wish to configure everything without getting their hands dirty in code. But modifying a layout or writing your own is a good way to get your feet wet in lua.

For more information as well as links to layouts and plugins, see here.

Are you the author of a mod that you think belongs in this spotlight? Just upload/update it to our site, and it will automatically be considered for that week's Pick. :)

erica647 08-03-08 09:06 PM

Glad to see oUF get pick of the week... it really is a nice and lightweight unitframes mod imho. :)

Nynaeve 08-04-08 01:13 PM

Awwww man. Now I have to try it again. ;)

lanacan 08-05-08 12:30 PM

This is a great mod, I love it and all the work people have done in their layouts to go with it.

hipjipp 08-08-08 05:14 AM

I'm honored to have my screen of my layout in the PotW =)
Thanks for promoting a great addon Seerah!

Echenor 08-09-08 12:18 AM

Was I dreaming or did some old version (month or two or even older) have a dragging of the frames in it?

Seerah 08-09-08 08:53 AM

You must have been dreaming unless you came across a layout that specifically allowed that.

dranor 08-09-08 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by Echenor (Post 98416)
Was I dreaming or did some old version (month or two or even older) have a dragging of the frames in it?

oUF_Lily had during a long time an alt-drag, but it didn't save the frames positions... Like Seerah said, the best thing you can do is fine tune the positions by editing the layout.

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