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Jonexe 10-13-07 02:38 PM

Addons that cause extra latency?
I've been using Mazzle for a while now (still love it, even with patch 2.2), but since that horrible voice chat patch, I've been having a large amount of latency. Of course, my ISP and Blizzard tech support are useless, as per usual.

Now for my actual question, is there any addons that Mazzle comes with that could be causing me to have an extra amount of latency? I'm sure something like the one which pulls in quest text from WoWhead would, but are there any others? I'm hoping that maybe I can reduce some of my latency issues that way, in order to get the game back to a playable level.

JRCC 10-13-07 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Jonexe
I've been using Mazzle for a while now (still love it, even with patch 2.2), but since that horrible voice chat patch, I've been having a large amount of latency. Of course, my ISP and Blizzard tech support are useless, as per usual.

Now for my actual question, is there any addons that Mazzle comes with that could be causing me to have an extra amount of latency? I'm sure something like the one which pulls in quest text from WoWhead would, but are there any others? I'm hoping that maybe I can reduce some of my latency issues that way, in order to get the game back to a playable level.

addons wouldn't cause you latency as they can't use up any bandwidth although they may be using up memory and proccessing power I would suggest you get an addon like option house or addon usage and see what could be using up all your reasources.

Jonexe 10-13-07 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by JRCC
addons wouldn't cause you latency as they can't use up any bandwidth although they may be using up memory and proccessing power I would suggest you get an addon like option house or addon usage and see what could be using up all your reasources.

It's not a resource issue :P It's the fact that, when on WoW, I get pings of 1500+ ms, while running any other program or game, I do not have this issue.

I was just wondering if there were any addons that ate up some bandwidth, in an effort to bring the latency down to a playable level. As it stands, I can't even solo farm.

But, if there's no addons that would be doing that, then I suppose that's another fix down the drain. Thank you though.

Tekkub 10-13-07 03:55 PM

Uh, bandwidth and latency are two completely different things... you're not going to get higher latency from using more bandwidth... The only real case where that will happen is if you're flooding all of your link's bandwidth (like say, you have a stupid roommate that can't configure his bittorrent program correct *cough*)... but that will affect everything you try to do online.

Addons CAN use bandwidth, but it's rather minimal in the end. Some addon that exchange large amounts of data (threat/damage meters that sync) can have an impact on your FPS due to all the extra processing created by managing a whole raid's data instead of just your own... but that's an issue caused by the addon processing the received data. Addon data exchange should have no more impact on your latency than the game exchanging all the other data it needs to run does.

If you *really* want to troubleshoot the issue, you need to take a network troubleshooting approach here. Get a routemap to your server, find what links on the way are creating your latency. It's not exactly a fun thing to do, and it's likely you won't really be able to solve the issue, just find the slow link on your path to the server.

tralkar 10-13-07 04:28 PM

when its that high have you tryed with out any addons? and what happends?

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