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Bradik 03-31-09 01:30 PM

Carbonite or Quest helper?
I usually use Carbonite but just seeing what is preferable by most

Dreadlorde 03-31-09 01:51 PM

I prefer Lightheaded + TomTom over both of them.

Sythalin 03-31-09 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by Dreadlorde (Post 123327)
I prefer Lightheaded + TomTom over both of them.

This is the most memory efficient combo if you're looking to go that route. I use QH right now, but haven't tried Carbonite since they released the full version.

littlebuddha79 03-31-09 02:13 PM

I personally use the full version of Carbonite. Good news to those who did not want to pay for it...I guess the developers/authors are going to keep up working on it, and release it for free to keep within Blizz's new rules.

The reasons I use Carbonite over QuestHelper:

- Carbonite has replaced a lot more addons that I used to use that just QuestHelper. It has a warehouse feature that saves inventory, bank, and mail information for all of you toon that can be accessed while logged into any of your characters on either faction (replaced Altaholic). It has flight timers (replaced flight timers from QH). It replaced my map addon(s), since it has a zoomable, dragable map (Replaced various map addons I used to switch between (either a combo of Mapster and Yatlas, or Cartographer3)). It has a built in quest log and quest tracker improvements, including a completed-quests log, and feature that moves the quest rewards to the top of the details pane for quick access with no scrolling (Replaced QuestGuru).

- My personal preference on the way tracked quests show on the world map. They display the areas where quest objectives can be found at all times (if the option to hide them are not turned on) instead of having to hover over an icon to show the areas.

- Includes Battleground maps and easy to view on map info for battlegrounds that (IMO) is second to none.

- I was having crashing problems that occurred pretty regularly with QuestHelper. I was reluctant to believe it was an addon, but after reading a few posts on various forums, others thought that QH was the culprit too. Since un-installing QH, I've had a lot less crashing (almost none). Possible coincidence, but after using Carbonite, I like it on the whole better anyway.

In the end Carbonite is a lot more than just a questing addon. It's a whole mess of features I think the default UI should have anyway in one easy download.

Slakah 03-31-09 02:39 PM

LightHeaded, End of the Line, QueTip and TomTom (Yes I do enjoy plugging my own mods :))

Pigl33t 03-31-09 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Dreadlorde (Post 123327)
I prefer Lightheaded + TomTom over both of them.

I use them both too (used to use Cartographer over TomTom back when you could click coords and they got auto added as a waypoint.) But I use QH too for much easier quest completion and just use Lightheaded if I need more info or if the QH info is wrong or unclear.

Petrah 03-31-09 06:17 PM

Carbonite all the way. QuestHelper causes too many issues.

Miralen 03-31-09 07:09 PM

My preference is carbonite and lightheaded. I have found a few quests missing in carbonite, well not missing but wrong coords and also lightheaded has comments which means sometimes you find helpful tips such as do this quest with this one and this one since they are near or in the same place as the first quest. I use carbonite because as stated, it replaced a bunch of my mods into one.

Arthinos 03-31-09 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by Bradik (Post 123321)
I usually use Carbonite but just seeing what is preferable by most

Questhelper hands down.
Unfortunately not for too long :(

QuestHelper R.I.P.

Vyper 03-31-09 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by Arthinos (Post 123358)
Questhelper hands down.
Unfortunately not for too long :(

QuestHelper R.I.P.

WOOT! And QuestHelper is not as dead as people think. Reread Zorba's post. He's not stopping development, he just has to slow down as he's going to have to get a "real" job as well.

Gemini_II 03-31-09 11:45 PM

My vote goes to LightHeaded.

I use QuestHelper on my alts to speedup leveling but am adamant that first time players (or first time content) should not be assisted with any addon beyond LH's comments.

Zroba had some issues with QH when WotLK first went live but since v.77 or so, it's been fixed (Lagaran/Dalalag being the major culprit). I have never had QH crash on me.

xemm 04-02-09 02:04 PM

all the way

i like being able to log into dalaran whenever i want honestly....



lordlundar 04-05-09 02:19 PM

I'm one of the few people here that has been using cartographer, but one of the devs is walking away from the project, so I think I'll grab the Lighthead/TomTom Combo, as I go to WoWHead a LOT!:p

I did use Carbonite for a little bit, but I found it to be too busy for my tastes.

Wolvig 04-05-09 04:42 PM

Well guess I'm the wierd one.I have Tomtom,Carbonite,Lighthead,And Cartographer.Each has something the others don't so I have a use for each.I like the on screen map Carbonite has,the details lighthead gives you and for Cordinates and such Tomtom is the best.Cartographer gives me info and maps on zones and instances.So guess it comes down to what you want to accomplish.

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