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Frogdog76 07-26-20 12:29 PM

Dynamic Cam Custom Situation Question
Hello. I am trying to make custom situations in dynamic cam so it will zoom out slightly when I am doing some of my more impact-full abilities kind of like it does in the newest god of war. I can get it to work on channeled spells like this...


return UnitChannelInfo("player") == GetSpellInfo(111111)

And on non channeled, casted spells like this.


return UnitCastingInfo("player") == GetSpellInfo(111111)

I am trying to figure out a way to do Instant Cast Spells such as Chi Torpedo, or Serpent Kick, and I can't find any info about what I need to modify to make that happen. I know nothing about LUA so I am just basically trying things I can google or copying from other custom situations that I can find. Any ideas I could try would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

d87 07-27-20 05:53 AM

Instant cast spells only generate UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED.
Also you can use /etrace

LudiusMaximus 07-27-20 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by d87 (Post 336463)
Instant cast spells only generate UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED.

That's right. The DynamicCam situations are intended for ongoing states, which have enter and exit events and whose condition can be checked. An instant spellcast does not really have a condition to be checked. You would have to check the arguments of the enter event (UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED) to see which spell it was and store it in a variable, such that it can be checked by the situation condition.

I made a feature request but cannot say when I will have time for that...

Frogdog76 07-27-20 11:01 AM

Thank you for the responses!

Just for a little more info of what I was trying to do for future reference. I am trying a very zoomed in camera in most cases. I was hoping I could have it zoom out when I press Chi-Torpedo, or Flying Serpent Kick and stay that way for the entire animation so I could see where I was going a bit better (though its not a huge problem tbh) or even just for the effect.

One more question I have while I'm at it. Is it possible to have a situation trigger on an assigned key press, and then have it revert back to whatever the current situation is (i.e. world combat etc...) with another key press?

LudiusMaximus 07-27-20 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by Frogdog76 (Post 336465)
One more question I have while I'm at it. Is it possible to have a situation trigger on an assigned key press, and then have it revert back to whatever the current situation is (i.e. world combat etc...) with another key press?

This is also not possible with the way situations currently work, because there is no "key-pressed" event let alone a way to check the condition of which key has been previously pressed. Maybe the best way to achieve this would be a slash-command that allows you to manually enter a situation setting its priority to max and another slash-command to undo it. Will put it on my list...

Frogdog76 07-27-20 01:59 PM

Thanks again for the reply. I am having a blast playing with Dynamic Cam. Thanks so much for the awesome addon!

Sevyl 02-12-24 07:03 PM

Hello, so I recently got into Dynamic camera and have used your condition and event listed above to make it so that my camera zooms in slightly when I use Aimed Shot/Sniper Shot.

However, this custom event appears green and says it is always active, despite my few hours of trying different ways to not make it active 24/7.

Wondering if there's an easy way to make the custom event active only during spell casting.

Thank you

LudiusMaximus 02-12-24 07:05 PM

Can you share your "condition" script, please?

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