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Cairenn 04-29-19 11:48 AM

Moved from FB
Are we actually seriously considering doing this?

For those not on FB, where this all started, a bunch of folks are talking about maybe skipping BC and just doing a get together somewhere else, some other time.

My only request is that it has to be somewhere warm. :p I suggested we do it in like February, in the dead of winter, when everyone is just sick to death of it all. Plus, Feb 24 - 28 is my daughter's Reading Week from College, so she could actually join us. (Those are just my personal requests and suggestions, they aren't requirements. :p )

There's talk about maybe doing a cruise? Or Vegas?

Let's talk.

FISKER_Q 04-29-19 12:23 PM

Definitely not seaworthy so a cruise would be out of the question for me. Timing and "warm places" seem to fit well since those won't be super hot in february (I hope).

Vegas sounds fun, but there's also fun and exciting european destinations :P

JDoubleU00 04-29-19 03:10 PM

Since I am probably not going to BC this year due to a conflict, I'd actually be fine with flying somewhere to meet. Maybe try to avoid typical college break destination? Never been to Vegas, so that would be fun.

Kaelten 04-29-19 11:11 PM

I'll still probably do Blizzcon, but I'm totally down to meet up in some place like Vegas. Just got to have some forewarning :)

Seerah 04-30-19 01:05 PM

February is hubby's busiest time at work. :/

myrroddin 05-04-19 01:46 PM

I have never been to Blizzcon. Maybe one year finally, if I get rich. But it won't be this year even if I could afford it. There is NO WAY I am going to install spyware on my phone in order to enter the convention!!

For those not in the know: this year there are no paper tickets. It's all digital, and to get your access you need to install Axs, which collects every bit of personal information it can off your phone, including some very sensitive things like your address and credit cards, among other stuff.

Axs then flat out tells you in their terms of use they will sell your information.

Cairenn 05-04-19 06:26 PM

Luckily you can refuse to use it.

"If for some reason you find yourself at the show with a dead mobile device or some other unexpected issue preventing you from accessing the app, don’t worry. Just head to the Solutions Desk at registration and they’ll help you out."

I'll be damned if I am going to pay for an international data plan just to get into the convention. I don't have a national one, ffs.

Seerah 05-15-19 01:57 PM

So... What's the word on all this? Who is/isn't going?

Cairenn 05-15-19 04:47 PM

Well, this idea seems to have died quick when I made it more than just spit-balling on FB. :p

Gonna do a thread about BC, to start planning the dinner and what not, in a bit.

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