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p3lim 10-23-22 07:13 AM

oUF 11.0 Upgrade Guide for Dragonflight
Upgrade Guide

Aside from other API changes from Blizzard themselves and other changes not directly related to oUF, here are the headlines for what's coming to oUF version 11.0 and Dragonflight.

Version 11.x of oUF is not backwards compatible, and will only work in Dragonflight and the prepatch coming October 25/26th.
This guide is here to aid layout authors in updating to that release.

We're sorry for the late notice with this major release, we've had to deal with constant major changes during the beta development cycle by Blizzard and thus had a lesser incentive to work on this update until the very end.

Breaking changes
  • LeaderIndicator:
    • now supports both states of leadership; "home world" group leader and instanced group leader (guide)
      • this means it will dynamically change the texture, layouts can override this behavior
  • Buffs/Debuffs/Auras:
    • this element has seen some major rework to support the new UNIT_AURA event payload to only update auras that have changed, and as such will flag this whole element as "breaking"
    • these changes brings a performance boost of up to 30% by eliminating full updates whenever they are not needed
    • button sub-widgets renamed:
      • -> button.Cooldown
      • button.icon -> button.Icon
      • button.count -> button.Count
      • button.overlay -> button.Overlay
      • button.stealable -> button.Stealable
    • button attributes added:
      • .auraInstanceID
    • button attributes removed:
      • .caster
      • .isPlayer
    • button attributes renamed:
      • .isDebuff -> .isHarmful
    • element attributes renamed:
      • .createdIcons -> .createdButtons
      • .anchoredIcons -> .anchoredButtons
    • element overrides/callbacks renamed:
      • .CreateIcon -> .CreateButton
      • .PostCreateIcon -> .PostCreateButton
      • .PostUpdateIcon -> .PostUpdateButton
      • .PostUpdateGapIcon -> .PostUpdateGapButton
      • .CustomFilter -> .FilterAura
    • .FilterAura (previously .CustomFilter) signature changed to (element, unit, data)
    • new .SortAuras, .SortBuffs, .SortDebuffs overrides
    • .PostUpdateButton (previously .PostUpdateIcon) signature changed to (element, button, unit, data, position)
      • the "data" argument is an UnitAuraInfo object with added isPlayerAura for player/pet/vehicle auras
    • .PostUpdate will only be triggered when there are changes to any buff/debuff

Non-breaking changes
  • Buffs/Debuffs/Auras:
    • .filter, .buffFilter and .debuffFilter can be functions in addition to strings
      • this is a very advanced and less tested/used feature of UnitAuraSlots so it won't get documented further in oUF
  • Castbar:
    • now supports empowered casts (it's just a reverse channel) with "pips" displaying each stage
      • do note that oUF does not render stages differently, that's up to the layout to add if wanted
    • has new attribute ".empowering"
    • new callback .UpdatePips(element, numStages)
    • new override .CreatePip(element, stage)
      • must return a frame
  • ClassPower:
    • now supports Evoker's "Essence" class power
      • do note that cooldowns are not rendered by default, as the implementation is scuffed/broken by Blizzard and we opted to let the layout implement this
    • all classes can now have charged points
  • oUF.colors
    • :SetRGBA() now updates indexed colors too (e.g. color[1], color[2], color[3])
    • :SetRGBA() and oUF:CreateColor() can now take values in the 1-255 range
    • colors.power.ESSENCE added, contains Evoker's essence power color
  • LeaderIndicator:
    • PostUpdate(element, isLeader) signature changed to (element, isLeader, isInLFGInstance)

For the full details of all the changes, see the pull request for Dragonflight.

For any questions regarding this specific upgrade guide, please reply to this thread.
For any issues, please search the issues tracker or open a new issue.
For anything not related to the upgrade guide, please search for an existing thread on the subject or open a new thread.

lightspark 10-25-22 03:47 AM

Non-breaking changes
  • ClassPower:
    • all classes can now have charged points

Mere hours after the release of oUF 11, Blizz hit us with a new build where they changed stuff :rolleyes: If anything else pops up, I'll be adding it in replies to the upgrade guide for the sake of better visibility.

siweia 11-15-22 04:51 AM

button.caster is removed as well

lightspark 11-15-22 09:01 AM

Oops... :>

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