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Anj 01-11-11 04:59 PM

Version: r10 090211

NOTE: Current development is being done by Jankly and is being maintained at Github.

From Jankly: " I'm actually going to be doing one last download file renaming scheme in the next release. It will be as follows:

- caelUI = base addon set, everyone will need this if you are first getting the UI or making a drastic change in released versions.
- extras = Raid boss mods (including DBM when I make the switch over) and whatever extra addons I have in my addons folder. This will be unmodified addons from the actual addon authors themselves, so these can actually be downloaded once or never. They can also just be added into your own addon folders via whatever method you want and the UI will have built in support for these addons if they exist.
- caelUI-<majorVersionA>-to-<minorVersionB> = This will be just the files that are changed from base to major release to the minor releases. This would be something along the lines of 4.1 being the major base release and all the releases I've made since then to now all in one patch.
- caelUI-<minorVersionA>-to-<minorVersionB> = This will be just the diff from the last minor release to this new minor release."

"caelUI has absolutely no in game configuration, meaning that if you don't have a minimum of knowledge of Lua, this is not the UI you're looking for." It is designed as a DPS/Tank UI.

Not only did I like the UI, I also enjoyed learning some lua codes with it.

DISCLAIMER: I am not the developer of caelUI. I thought it would be great to have a forum topic about it to be able to use a *much more* useful SEARCH function to handle future questions about the UI.

Anj 01-11-11 05:07 PM

Some common problems and solutions:

Originally posted by Jankly
1.) Volume issue: You need to goto Interface/Addons/caelCore/modules/cvarData.lua and adjust the cVar values for the volume so it doesn't reset on each reload and login.

2.) The bug is because you had a different chat system loaded outside of caelChat. You need to go to WTF/Account/<account name>/<server name>/<character name of all characters that get this bug>/chat-cache.txt and remove the DIMENSION and POSITION lines from the file. Word pad is your better choice for removing the line due to line endings being LF not CRLF.

3.) General Chat does not show up in certain zones, mainly raid instances. If you'd like to change this, check out Interface/Addons/caelChat/cealChat.lua and search for "chatStuff = function" and adjust that function to your liking (This should be around line 515).

Originally posted by Piwafwi
(regarding "missing" chat messages) Look at caelChat/chatFilters.lua. Comment out lines 76 and 77 (comment out meaning placing a "--" at the start of that line).

Should look like this:


local Spam = {
        [1] = "You have .+ the title '.atron Caellian'%.",
        --[2] = "^(%S+) has come online%.",
        --[3] = "^(%S+) has gone offline%.",
        [4] = "You have unlearned",
        [5] = "You have learned a new spell:",
        [6] = "You have learned a new ability:",
        [7] = "Your pet has unlearned",
        [8] = "You have gained the maximum amount of guild reputation allowed this week.",

That should give you the notification in-chat.

mistcane 01-13-11 01:30 AM

caelUI is by far the best looking UI I have ever seen. I am tempted to download it, but the no in-game configuration is kind of a buzzkill. Would not knowing LUA be a huge frustration for me? I am tempted to learn it just so I can use this compilation :D

Anj 01-13-11 03:09 AM

mistcane, like you I dove in without any knowledge of lua. I eventually learned some of it -- enough for my own needs.

Try caelUI out and check out the common problems in the second post. If you have any questions, I'm sure other users (and myself) would surely answer help you out.

Colta 01-17-11 07:54 AM

UIscale to 0.64
Great description on how to make it work, but I do have a minor question.

Last night, I tried to mess around with it for like an hour. I really wanted the UIscale set to 0.64, insted of 1. Tried changing the cvar-value, relogged to test it, and nothing happen't. But the UIscale kept changing it back to 1.

SO, how can I make it work with 0.64 ?

oobleck 01-17-11 09:08 AM

World Map
Ive been looking around for a way to move the world map, can anyone tell me what line i need to edit? thanks

Anj 01-17-11 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Colta (Post 226929)
Great description on how to make it work, but I do have a minor question.

Last night, I tried to mess around with it for like an hour. I really wanted the UIscale set to 0.64, insted of 1. Tried changing the cvar-value, relogged to test it, and nothing happen't. But the UIscale kept changing it back to 1.

SO, how can I make it work with 0.64 ?

Go to /caelLib/caelLib.lua around line 53. You'll see different screen dimensions in there. Look for yours or add yours then use 0.64.

Anj 01-17-11 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by oobleck (Post 226934)
Ive been looking around for a way to move the world map, can anyone tell me what line i need to edit? thanks

I haven't played around with the world map but I believe the settings are in caelMap/caelMap.lua

Silesia1 01-20-11 03:28 PM

I've been trying to look through the LUA to find out how to move "character tooltips", currently it pops them up in the middle (right over my timers). Makes it difficult to see my timers (at all).

Could someone point me in the direction as to how to move it somewhere else (more convenient).

spalliero 01-22-11 02:54 PM

thx for helping getting chat right.

I'm wondering about increasing party frame scale, or at least width. I looked in the config but it's just general scale which is fine, but when I do 5 mans I can't hardly see the health difference I need to increase the width of the party frames.

I've been looking in the lua but I'm not extremely lua savy so any help would be great.


Paolo242 01-28-11 04:53 PM

How would I go about changing the time display to 12 hour vs 24 hour?

Also, How do I remove timestamps from the chat?


Edit: Nevermind. I got the clock. Still not sure how to change time stamps on the chat.

Jankly 01-28-11 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by Paolo242 (Post 228002)
How would I go about changing the time display to 12 hour vs 24 hour?

Also, How do I remove timestamps from the chat?


Edit: Nevermind. I got the clock. Still not sure how to change time stamps on the chat.

Timestamps are the key to being able to copy and paste text. To remove them is more then just a comment out a section of code, but more a rework of parts of gotChat and caelChat.

Paolo242 01-28-11 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by Jankly (Post 228008)
Timestamps are the key to being able to copy and paste text. To remove them is more then just a comment out a section of code, but more a rework of parts of gotChat and caelChat.

Bummer. That's ok. More of a concern was the 24 hour clock which I'm not a big fan of. I got those both changed though. Thanks a lot. The UI is really great. One more thing, I know that the XP is displayed in the minimap. Any way to get the rep displayed in a similar way?


riccochet 02-11-11 12:51 PM

video settings
Hey everyone,
I'm not a lua expert or anything but i am trying to learn since i really like using this UI. I know you have discussed how it sets up graphic options based on your resolution, zone, etc, but what do you do to disable that entirely? i have found bits and peices of the cvarData lua file that sort of make sense for this (looks like it sets values for certain advanced graphics options) but i don't really want to be setting everything up manually, and i don't really know how to set everything up with the values i want anyways. Is there a way to just remove that option or comment out some lines so that it doesn't load those options? Or will that break everything and i just need to edit all the values so they mirror my desired options? The sound stuff was pretty straightforward, but i find the graphics options confusing me a bit...

Jankly 02-11-11 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by riccochet (Post 229427)
Hey everyone,
I'm not a lua expert or anything but i am trying to learn since i really like using this UI. I know you have discussed how it sets up graphic options based on your resolution, zone, etc, but what do you do to disable that entirely? i have found bits and peices of the cvarData lua file that sort of make sense for this (looks like it sets values for certain advanced graphics options) but i don't really want to be setting everything up manually, and i don't really know how to set everything up with the values i want anyways. Is there a way to just remove that option or comment out some lines so that it doesn't load those options? Or will that break everything and i just need to edit all the values so they mirror my desired options? The sound stuff was pretty straightforward, but i find the graphics options confusing me a bit...

The cool thing about this new released version, r10 090211, is that it contains a new solution to handle those settings. By default it will default to the cvarData.lua file, but after you enter game, you can actually change your settings and it will save them for you for the next time you load them. This works across all characters that you use caelUI on as well, so you don't have to change anything again, unless you dump your WTF folder.

riccochet 02-11-11 07:24 PM

Well thats odd then... cause every time i go back into the game the video settings have been changed and i have to reset them.

Gotai 02-18-11 04:28 AM

@riccochet: Video settings as of yet are not handled by the system Jankly mentions, because Caellian sets the video options dependant on area. I have some school project to wrap up, but if I have some spare time today after those are finished I'll see about implementing something for that as well.

I do recommend updating to the latest version so all the non graphical settings are saved and you don't need to edit the Lua files anymore. To disable the graphic settings change per area, open up caelCore/modules/cvarData.lua and simply remove this block:


local ZoneChange = function(zone)
        local _, instanceType = IsInInstance()
        if zone == "Orgrimmar" or zone == "Stormwind" then
                if caelLib.playerClass == "HUNTER" then SetTracking(nil) end
                SetCVar("useWeatherShaders", 0)
                SetCVar("weatherDensity", 1)
                SetCVar("environmentDetail", 50)
                SetCVar("groundEffectDensity", 16)
                SetCVar("groundEffectDist", 0)
                SetCVar("particleDensity", 0.11)
                SetCVar("projectedTextures", 0)
                SetCVar("showfootprints", 0)
                SetCVar("chatBubbles", 0)
        elseif instanceType == "raid" then
                SetCVar("useWeatherShaders", 1)
                SetCVar("weatherDensity", 3)
                SetCVar("environmentDetail", 150)
                SetCVar("groundEffectDensity", 256)
                SetCVar("groundEffectDist", 128)
                SetCVar("particleDensity", 1)
                SetCVar("projectedTextures", 1)
                SetCVar("showfootprints", 1)
                SetCVar("chatBubbles", 1)
                SetCVar("useWeatherShaders", 1)
                SetCVar("weatherDensity", 2)
                SetCVar("environmentDetail", 100)
                SetCVar("groundEffectDensity", 128)
                SetCVar("groundEffectDist", 64)
                SetCVar("particleDensity", 0.5)
                SetCVar("projectedTextures", 1)
                SetCVar("showfootprints", 1)
                SetCVar("chatBubbles", 0)

cvardata:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event)
        local zone = GetRealZoneText()

        if zone and zone ~= "" then
                return ZoneChange(zone)

I was planning on adding both a toggle for this, as well as per category storing of graphic settings, basically as it is now.

yeoie 03-14-11 10:46 AM

Move Tooltip
Thanks for the great work, in your older versions your tooltip was located toward the bottom and centralized, now it is appearing centered and anchored top of frame to top of uiparent.

Is there a way i can move it down again, id love to have it closer to the bottom than anchored to the top.


Gotai 03-14-11 11:08 AM

I've just checked SVN, which I think hasn't had any tooltip changes, and the tooltip is located at the bottom as it should be. Have you perhaps disabled caelPanels? The tooltip is anchored to the panel behind the chatframes, if you were to disable caelPanels, it'd try to anchor to nil, which is the same size as the whole screen, resulting in the tooltip showing up at the top center.

If you wish, you can change the tooltip location in caelTooltips/caelTooltips.lua around line 35. Look for the line that says GameTooltip:SetPoint.

yeoie 03-14-11 11:44 AM

Thanks, your right, I disabled cael panels since i only pulled out the nameplates and the tooltips, i was able to:


Thanks for your help!

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